October 17, 2024



Part -2

Why are so many people still depressed?

Understanding spiritual depression generally refers to a loss of spiritual vitality and joy.  In terms of Christianity, experiencing a spiritual depression might involve.  Most people feel disconnected or cut off from God.  You might be confused or frustrated about your faith, feel unable to talk to God, or believe God no longer hears your prayers. 

Strength and peace are blessings God promises His people, but you must receive them by having faith in God’s word.  If you believe in Jesus Christ the son of God who died on the cross for your salvation, then believe all of God’s word.  Choose to have faith in what the bible says, more than what the doctors say, what you have experienced, or what you have read elsewhere.  You can pick and choose which scriptures you are going to believe.

Experiencing spiritual depression might involve:

  • Losing touch with your faith
  • “forgetting” God or struggling to find time for prayer and spiritual study.
  • Focusing more on past mistakes than changes you might make to do better in the future
  • A general sense of unhappiness or melancholy

  When you are confused and frustrated about your faith.

  • Struggling to find joy in worship
  • Withdrawing from your church or religious community
  • Avoiding other members of the Church.
  • Feeling as if bible study or other religious pursuits have lost their meaning.
  • Failing to find comfort in prayer
  • Questioning or doubting your faith
  • Negative or pessimistic thinking about God or religion
  • A sense of spiritual hopelessness or discouragement

Spiritual depression develops when you have less time for God and your religious activities, such as prayer, Bible study, worship, and other Church participation.  We become so overly involved in so-called worldly cares, such as work, hobbies, entertainment, or social activities.  It is perfectly normal to spend time on any of these activities.  But life should be balanced, and it’s healthy to divide your time between work, rest, family and friends, and enjoyable relaxation.  Spirituality is an important aspect of your life and day-to-day concerns leave you with less and less time for God, you could find yourself feeling somewhat low. 

If not taken seriously these feelings can also

  • Create tension in your relationships. 
  • A sad or hopeless mood on more days than not
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness, which might show up as negative self-talk
  • A loss of energy or motivation
  • Less interest in your regular activities
  • Less interest in spending time with friends and loved ones.
  • Unusual anger or irritability
  • Trouble managing emotions
  • Regular thoughts of death, dying, or suicide and the list goes on.

 So, you must understand how serious this issue is. If you are facing any of these situations remember Jesus is your only answer and not human beings.  Go to your religious leaders or pastors encouraging you with a remedy, prayer, and seeking Christ.  Don’t waste time my dear brothers and sisters.  Satan will try to hold you back.  Because he knows whoever comes to Jesus is saved and free from bondages and believe me, he doesn’t want that.  He wants you captive.  Slap Satan on his face by leaving your ego behind and humble yourself before the Lord.  You may say I have tried…  You have tried Church; you haven’t tried Jesus.

The reasons why you are depressed are

  1. Lack of knowledge

Many people do not realize that God wants them healed from depression and that his word promises freedom.

  • Rejecting God

If you depart from the Lord in your heart, depression can easily move into the vacant room in your heart.  That is what happened when Saul rejected God.  It says, in Samuel 16:14 that…. “The living Bible said it was a “tormenting spirit” and that it filled him with fear and depression.

  • Sin

Sin opens the door for the devil to attack.   In John 5: 14, we’re told that Jesus healed a man and told him to pick up his mat and walk, He said, “See, you have been made wellSin no more, lest a worse thing comes upon you.”

 In Matthew 9:2, Jesus again related healing to sins being forgiven when he healed a paralyzed man and said, “Be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven.”  Remember this Jesus defeated Satan at the cross and the only power Satan has over you is the power you let him have.

  • Unbelief

In Matthew 9: 22, Jesus told a woman who had been sick for 12 years,

“Your faith has made you well.”

  • A broken heart

Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” A broken, hopeless heart is ripe for depression. 

The lord will give you strength to his people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.” (Ps 29:11)

You can get free from depression

  • Believe that Jesus Christ is your healer
  • Decide that you don’t want to live in depression any longer.

Deciding involves yielding to a willingness to give up everything the devil has used to steal, kill and destroy from you in exchange for the abundant life God says is yours.  Anger bitterness, fear, anxiety, and the desire for retribution must go to make room for new, healthy thoughts.

  • Identifying the relationships and actions (or failures to act)

Of people that have hurt you and disappointed you or caused hopelessness to invade your life.  If there have been several, take them one at a time.  Be honest and identify how their actions or failures to act influenced you.

  • Choose to forgive them

You don’t forgive them because they’ve apologized or because they deserve to be forgiven, you forgive because God has forgiven you.  You forgive because a lack of forgiveness will only cause you to stay stuck in the place of depression that you hate.

  • Repay Evil with Good.

Praying for those who have wronged you will set you free from bitterness.  In Matthew 5:44, Jesus said, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

  • Repent if you have sinned

Confess your sins to God and receive His forgiveness and cleansing.  1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is merciful and faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  • Exercise your God-given authority

In the name of Jesus, rebuke spirits of depression and despair that may be tormenting you.  Command them to leave in Jesus’s Name and they must go.

  • Release all these things to God and receive his healing now.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”  1Peter 5:7 NIV

Stay free

  • Don’t revisit the old places in your heart and mind where hurt has come.

Demos are territorial; they live in those old places.  Don’t rehash the issues that opened your heart to depression.  You’ve given them to God; now leave them with God.

  • Pray constantly

God wants a close relationship with you.  Don’t limit your conversations with God to a few minutes here and there or visit with him only for an hour on Sunday in Church

  • Praise God in all circumstances

If you sense the spirit of depression is knocking at your door, don’t answer it! Instead, glorify and praise the name of the Lord.  Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  Isaiah 61:3 listening to worship recordings or singing your praise is an excellent choice!

  • Spend time with other Christians

Spend time with other Christians who will help you stand if you become weary.  Do not hang around with depressed people or seek the counsel of the ungodly.

  • Renew your mind every day

God’s word is your manual for everyday living; you need to read it every day because,” Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”  Romans 10:17 God says you should, “Keep them (His words) in the midst of your heart for they are life and health to your flesh.” Proverbs 4:20-23

  • Guard your heart

Proverbs 4:23 cautions us to diligently keep our hearts because all the issues of life flow from them. 

Philippians 4:8&9 tells you to guard what you think about.  Think about what is true, honest, pure, just, lovely, or of good report, then it says, that God of peace will be with you.

  • Watch your words.

Proverbs 18: 21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”  You are going to eat the fruit of what comes out of your mouth, so don’t let words of darkness, death, sin, or instability come out of your mouth.

  • Make a concerted effort to keep your eyes off yourself

Isaiah 58:10 says, “If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”

My dear brothers and sisters, I humbly request you to share as much as possible this content.  Because every second person is struggling with this.  Many people are committing suicide because of depression.  It is also leading to many health issues.  We are losing many lives and souls.  Please not for my sake but for the sake of people dying in every part of the country.   Please join me as one family and help to defeat Satan’s plots and save many souls and lives.  I can’t do this without you alone.    Thank you

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