October 16, 2024

Satan uses many tools to weaken and destroy the home and family and especially our young
people. Through his many agents, his satanic majesty has proclaimed his intensions to
destroy one whole generation of our choice young people. A study of Satan’s methods can
alert us to his seductions. In his cunning he knows where and how to strike.
It is in youth when his victims are most vulnerable. Youth is the spring time of life when all
things are new. Youth is the spirit of adventure and awakening.

Satan understands that if he can grab their hearts and establish false teachings in their
mind from the earliest age, all he has to do is sit back and watch the dominos fall.
The areas that Satan tends to attack this generation of kids.

  1. Self -Worth.
    We want our Children’s inner thoughts and self-worth to reflect the thoughts that
    God has about them. Instead of being filled with puffed up pride or mere “self-love”
    we desire that they believe the truth. That they are beautifully handmade by a
    creator who loves them so much that he gave hi son’s life to have a relationship with
    them. We want them to understand how much God values them, and that nothing
    or no one can change who they are in Christ.

How Satan attacks
He teaches them that life is all about them and their pleasure. He tells them that
they need to ignore that voice of conviction that tells them things are right or wrong.
At the same time, he is quick to condemn them for their mistakes and to “rub their
noses in it” and tell them they aren’t worthy.

  1. Body image
    We want our kids to have a deep reverence for the intricate way their unique body is
    formed, and because of this respect, we want our kids to grow up honoring their
    bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. We want our kids to treat their bodies with
    respect by honoring the boundaries God suggests, such as sexual exchange only
    between a man and a woman within the confines of a marital relationship. We want
    our kids to take care of their bodies through healthy food choices and regular
    exercise, we also want them to understand that they are not defined by their
    physical appearance.

How Satan Attacks
The enemy is hard at work in this area today! First, he tells our kids that they are not
uniquely made, but that they are simply a result of random combination of genes
that’s taken millions of years to create.
Then he convinces the kids that they ae mee animals with physical desires that
should be fulfilled at any cost. He wants them to believe that physical pleasure (such
as sexuality outside of marriage) is normal and right and that anyone who tells them
differently is being judgmental.
In terms of health, he uses television and the media to Oh-so-subtly promote certain
body shapes as ideal over others.
Tweens and Teens are especially weak in this area since their bodies are rapidly
changing on the outside and they are asking pivotal questions about self-identity on
the inside.
He convinces them that every measure must be taken to achieve these ideal body
images, including those that lead to eating disorders and drug abuse.

  1. Influences
    We want the kids to be surrounded by those who can influence them towards God’s
    great purpose for their lives; and we also want our kids to grow to become those
    people who influence others in powerful ways for the greater good.

How Satan attacks
Satan’s easiest way to attack here would be, of course, to simply surround our kids
with bad influences. But he’s little trickier than that.
While he still does try to place negative influences in our children’s lives, He knows
that we are good parents who do our best to protects our kids from the bad
He keeps our kids away from God’s word. He keeps our Children’s parents (That’s
us!) too busy and distracted to influence our kids the way that we need to. He
strengthens our children’s natural tendency to laziness and complacency.
Using books, televisions, news reports and social media, he slowly simmers our kids
in the false thinking that truth is relative and not absolute. Through this process, he
affirms the falsehood that an individual’s godly influence is irrelevant and can even
be considered offensive and judgmental against other’s beliefs.

Slowly he convinces them that they can’t make a difference and that they really
don’t have the power to change things anyway, so why even try?

  1. Passions
    We want our kids to live a purposefully and passionately, always seeking God’s
    direction. We want them to grow up with a willingness to persevere, a deep
    understanding of the cost (and joys) of commitment, and to be unwilling to settle for
    complacency and comfort.

How Satan attacks
He distracts and confuses them. He encourages them to use emotion to guide their
decision- making instead of seeking to align their passions with what God is already
In addition, he doesn’t want our kids to understand or appreciate their unique
personality and talents that God has divinely given them.
Instead, he encourages them towards laziness. He convinces them to be content
with seeking self- pleasure and the easy way out. Through mindless pursuits, he
keeps them numb to the better life of magnificent beauty that comes from following
God’s wild and wonderful best path.

  1. Money, Possessions and work
    We want our children to have a healthy relationship with money, understanding that
    possessions are not equated to a person’s worth nor do they bring ultimate
    happiness. We want them to understand that the things of this world can bring us
    enjoyment, but that lasting joy is found only in God.

How Satan attacks

Like Eve in the garden, the enemy teases and tempts our kids with good
Looking “fruit” (worldly possessions) that he promises will solve them
Problems and bring fulfilment.
He convinces them that they need to do everything they can to get ahead (including
compromising their values, if (need be) because having lots of money and
possessions is the ultimate goal.

Through the spirit of ingratitude, he keeps them insecure, empty and preoccupied
with thoughts of what they do not have so that they’re always looking for more.

Dear Lord,

We break all demonic entanglements In Jesus’s name. We release all youths from
these prisons they have sent themselves in.
If any of them has lost their souls to the devil in exchange for riches, we ask that you
recover them. We rain your anger and wrath on these demons in Jesus’s name.
Let them return what does not belong to them. Please retrieve your children from
these yokes of evil. Break all evil holds on their lives and let them find favor in your
eyes once again.
Heavenly father,
Guide and protect the youth from anxieties and distractions that are every where
present in the world today. Be with them when they experience life’s challenges.
Show them your presence when they encounter both sickness and healing,
loneliness and friendship, failure and success, sorrow and joy. Give them the
courage and strength to make decisions guided by your light as we journey through
life. Through the power of life-giving spirit may they come to know your love.


Silhouette of christian prayers raising hand while praying to the GOD with three cross symbols

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