December 18, 2024


Today I will summarise Luke chapter 21 where Luke wrote about Jesus pointing out a poor widow and what she did. Where Jesus discussed the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple and where Jesus discussed his second coming.   Jesus looked around and saw rich men dropping their gifts in the temple treasury, and e also saw a poor widow dropping in two little copper coins. 

Jesus said to his disciples, “Did you see that widow put that money into the treasury?  I tell you that this poor woman put in more than all the others.  For the others had offered their gifts from what they had to spare of tier riches; but she, poor as she gave all she had to live on.”  It doesn’t matter how much you put in.  The percentage of your wealth and the condition of your heart does matter.  All the rich people put in the excess money that they did not need and they did it loudly but this poor widow put in all she had to live on in secret.  While walking past the time the disciples were in awe of the beautiful stones and the jewels in the walls.    Jesus said these impressive things you are looking at won’t last forever.  A day soon comes when this temple and those jewels will be torn down and destroyed.  

When the destroyers come, there will not even be one stone left on another stone.  This frightened the disciples who asked,” Tell us, Lord, when will these things happen?”  Jesus said,” I will tell you what will happen before the temple is destroyed so that you can be ready.  After that, I will tell you what will happen right before I return on the day of the Lord.  Now about the temple, do not be misled.  Many people will come to you in my name and they will say that the end is near.  They say that they are the Messiah.  Do not believe them and listen to them.  You will hear wars and rumors of wars.  these things will happen to befall before the temple is destroyed.  There will earthquakes and plagues in many places.  There will be terrors and signs in heaven.  Before the temple is destroyed Christians will be persecuted.  They will bring you in front of kings for my sake.   You will be my witnesses to them and they will not be able to refute what you say even your parents, your brothers, relatives, and friends will betray you.  They will put many of you to death and you will be hated by all because of my name yet not a hair of your head will perish.  Jesus continued when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, recognize the time is now.   Those who are in Judea must run away to the hills, those who are in the city must leave, and those who are out in the country must go into the city.  No one should go into the city when they see it surrounded because the day of vengeance will have just begun.  Woe to the pregnant and those nursing babies on that day.  Many people will die by the edge of the sword and the rest will be left captive in all the nations.  Jerusalem will then be destroyed and trampled underfoot by the gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled.   Jesus said,” I just told you what will happen right before the temple is destroyed.  Now I will tell you what will happen near the day of the Lord when I come back again.  

There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars.   They will be dismayed among all the nations.  They will be in fear because of what is happening in the oceans.  Tidal waves will crash in many places.  The man will have heart attacks because they are terrified.   The powers of the heavens will shake.  When you see these signs in the sky and the monster waves and you will know exactly what I am talking about if you are alive to see it.  Know that the end of the age is near.  I make you a promise, the human race will not know extinct before all f these things happen.  Here is another promise, the heavens, and the earth will pass away and will be no more but my words will never pass away.  They are eternal.  Jesus said,” Be on your guard so that your hearts will not be weighted down with sexual sins, drunkenness, and the worries of life.  If you do not guard yourself what day will come on you suddenly like a trap.  Keep on the alert at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape all of these things that are about to take place and to stand before till the end. 


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that the percentage of our wealth and the condition of our hearts is what he looks at when we give tides and offerings to him.  God wants us to see that not even the hair of a Christian’s head will be harmed even if they are put to death.   Our lives consist not merely of our physical bodies.  God wants us to see that Jesus’s prophecy about the destruction of the temple has been fulfilled.  Early church leaders taught this as well.  In 70 A.D. only the Christians in Jerusalem and Judea escaped from sudden death because they immediately listened to Jesus’s words.  They were watching and waiting for an army to surround Jerusalem and that was their signal to move.  They saw the Roman army surround Jerusalem and got out within hours.  During that time Roman army to everyone to vacate Jerusalem because they were going to destroy it and kill everyone remaining but they gave everyone in the city a certain amount of time to leave.  After a day or so the Zealots in the city commanded all the citizens to stay put.  They killed anyone who tried to leave the city because they considered them to be traitors.  The Roman army then wiped out all of the zealots and everyone else remaining in the city.  Only those Christians who immediately obeyed Jesus’s words survived.  God wants us to see that at the end of time right before the second coming of Jesus, there will be some sort of great signs in the sun, moon, and stars and there will be horrific T Tsunamis ravaging the world.  Men will be terrified and have a heart attack in mass and the powers of heaven will be shaken God wants us to see that Heaven and Erath will pass away but Jesus Christ’s words will last forever.  One art of Jesus’s prophecy about the last days has already been fulfilled.  The second part of the prophecy will soon happen. Are you watching for Jesus’s second coming?  Where he comes in a cloud with power and great glory.  If not come let’s start today.  There’s still time to turn around.  Why don’t you consider repenting for your sin and place your faith in Jesus for salvation right now?  The most important thing to remember about the end of times is CHRIST HAS DIED.  CHRIST IS RISEN. CHRIST WILL COME AGAIN.

It is also important to remember about the end of times is that we are living in it right now.   Take each day as the gift that it is, to be part of the most important life-saving mission humanity has ever known.  The great commission is to share the gospel truth of Jesus Christ.  Simply by living within the love of Christ we are fulfilling a part of our purpose on earth.  Nothing we say or do can either cause or prevent others from obtaining salvation in Jesus Christ.  Although we all play a key part, God does work through our lives and involves us in the process of his great love.  He alone is the curator of restoration.  He also can shift souls to the enlightenment of the risen savior.  He alone can change hearts. 


Father, we pray with utmost hope and joy today.  Come, Lord Jesus. Make our hearts fully match yours.  May we be good and faithful servants on this side of heaven, until in your perfect timing you call us home or come back.  Father, I know what I must do, but feel unsteady.  I am tempted to give up at times.  Please help me, father.  Pour over me, Oh lord, your mercy and goodness.  Reveal o my heart once again how much you love me.  Open the memory of my soul.  Remind me how Christ came to lift me out of sin and set me free in life.  Give me confidence in the spirit that guides me and goes before me to cast out the enemy and prepare the way.  Give me a steady mind and courage like steel to face the challenges here, today, and now.  Jesus is the way.  The truth and the life.  May I follow and glorify him my king and my lord.  In the name of Jesus, I pray.      Amen

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