October 16, 2024


Today I will summarize Luke chapter 19 where Luke wrote about Jesus Teaching another parable.  Where Jesus met with Zacchaeus and where Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for the last time.   Jesus was passing through a town called Jericho.  A man named Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector and was also a rich man.     He wanted to see who Jesus was.   He was a short-height man and could not see over the crowd.   So, he went ahead of the crowd and climbed a Sycamore tree to see Jesus, who was going to pass that way.  When came to the place, he looked up at him and smiled, and said, “Zacchaeus, come down from that tree.  I am going to stay at your house today.   Zacchaeus was surprised that Jesus knew his name.  He was more surprised that Jesus wanted to stay at his house because he was a hated tax collector.  So, they went to his home.  Later, that evening after speaking with Jesus for a while Zacchaeus suddenly said, “Lord, I have decided that I am going to give half of my possessions to the poor.  And if I have cheated anyone of anything, I will give them back four times as much.  Jesus smiled and said,” Today salvation has come to you.  This man, also, is a descendant of Abraham.”  “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost.”  While Jesus was at Zacchaeus’s house, he taught the people there a lesson because Jesus was near Jerusalem.  All the people thought as king that he was finally going to take his rightful place and the nation out of Roman oppression.  Jesus said,” There was once a man of high rank who was going to a country far away to be made king, after which he planned to come back home. 

Before he left, he called ten of his slaves and gave them each a gold coin, and said,” See what you can earn with this while I am gone.” The citizens of the land saw that he left and they sent a delegation to run ahead of him to give the king a message.  They said we hate the nobleman and do not want him to rule over us any longer and then they returned.  Now a long time had passed and then the nobleman returned after receiving the kingdom.  He called all the slaves to him to see what they did while he was gone.  The first slave said,” master I took your money and I multiplied it ten times.  The nobleman said, well-done good slave because you were faithful with this tiny thing, I put you in charge of.  You will have total authority and power over ten cities.  The second slave came and said I multiplied your money by five times.  The nobleman said you are to be over five cities.  The third slave came up and said,” Master I was afraid of you.  I was afraid to fail.  I was afraid you would discipline me.  You take what s not yours.  You are an exacting and strict man.  Here is your money.  I wrapped it up in a cloth and buried it.  The nobleman became angry ad said,” I will judge you by your mouth, you a wicked slave.  You knew I was an exacting and strict man but still, you hid my money.  That is illogical.  You should have given it to the bank so that I could have at least earned interest on it.  

You will be punished.  The nobleman turned to the guard and said,” Take the puny amount of money I gave this slave to test him with and give it to the good slave who will rule over ten cities and gather all of my enemies who sent a delegation to the king right after I went on my journey.  Once these people were in front of the nobleman trembling with fear.  The nobleman said to them,” The king sends you a message.  Your request has been denied and you will be killed.  Guards kill of these people in front of me and they did as was instructed.  After Jesus told the people these things, he began his journey to Jerusalem.  Jesus said to two of his disciples go into the village and as you enter you will see a donkey and a colt.  Untie them and bring them to me. 

When someone asks you why are you untying them?  You shall say,” The Lord needs them.  They went and did as they were instructed and everything happened just the way Jesus said.  Once the animals were brought to Jesus, the disciples put their cloaks on the colt and made Jesus sit on it.  They started spreading their cloaks on the road and palm branches as well.    As Jesus came near Jerusalem, the whole crowd of people began to praise God with a loud voice. “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the lord.  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.”  Some Pharisees heard them worship Jesus and they became indignant.  They said to Jesus,” command your disciples to be quiet.”  Jesus said,” I will not tell them to be quiet.  If they do become quiet the very stones on the side of the road will start talking.   As Jesus crested the hill and saw Jerusalem, he wept over it.  He spoke to the city and said,” If you had known this day, the things that make for peace but they are hidden from your eyes.  The days are coming when you will be destroyed.  Enemies will surround you and will kill everyone in the city.  They will not leave one stone on another because they did not recognize your Messiah.   Jesus rode into the city and went directly into the temple.  Like many times before Jesus violently drove out the money changers who were selling and said to them, “It is written my house shall be a house of prayer but you have made it a robber’s den. 


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that even though Zacchaeus was a Hebrew by birth Jesus said that he was saved and became a child of Abraham on the day that Jesus found him.  The same is true for anyone else who is saved.   God wants us to see that he has given all of his servants a small amount of life money talents and gifts to see what we will do with it.  It is a faithfulness test.  If we are faithful, we will have great responsibilities in the next life.  He wanted us to see that sedition was punished by the death penalty in ancient times and it will be punished by the death penalty in eternity as well.  Rebellion against the king of kings is not recommended God wants us to see that Jesus said “the rocks will cry out and praise to him if his children will not.  Are you praising God? Are you using the small amount of time and resources that God has given you faithfully?  Are you rebelling against the king of kings?  Theirs is still time to repent for your sins and turn To Jesus Christ for salvation.


Heavenly Father, allow your will to be done in my life.  I completely surrender my all to you.  To you lift my hand and open my heart.  Assist me in relying on you in whatever I do.  Please direct my thoughts and behaviour and take command of my life.  Assist me in comprehending your words and focusing my heart on you.  Lord, go beside me and direct my ways.  Whatever I do provide me with knowledge, strength, and guidance.  Bring me to the life you have prepared for me by guiding me through the pitfalls of life.  Allow your will to be done in my life at all times.  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ.    Amen.









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