October 16, 2024



Today I will summarize Luke chapter 10 where Luke wrote about Jesus sending out seventy -two men and sending them out into the towns he was about to visit.  Where Jesus taught about the Good Samaritan and where Jesus talked with Mary and Martha.  Jesus was going into numerous towns, preaching his message but before he went, he wanted people to prepare the way for him.  So, Jesus rounded up 72 men and told each of them what he wanted.  Jesus said to get a partner so that there are two of you.  Go into the towns I tell you and reach the message of the kingdom of God.  Carry any money or a bag or extra shoes and don’t greet anyone on the way.  If someone is willing to allow you to stay at their house.  Stay there for your entire trip.  Eat whatever they give to you.  Then go into the city and heal the sick and cast out demons.  If a city does not welcome you go into the street and shake the dust off your shoes in front of them in protest.  But still, make sure that you preach that the kingdom of God has come near to them.   So, the 72 to all the towns that Jesus was soon going to visit.  Then they returned.  They had quite the stories to tell about the healings and casting out demons.  They said, “Jesus even the demons obey us when we use your name.  Jesus said,” Yes, indeed.” I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning when he fell.  I have given you authority over all the demon serpents and scorpions.  I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.  But don’t rejoice that you have power over the enemy.  You rejoice that your name is recorded in heaven in the Lamb’s book of life. 

Jesus then spontaneously began to pray to the father in heaven through the Holy Spirit.  He said,” I praise you father, Lord of heaven and the Earth for hiding all of these things from the intelligent and revealing them to infants.” “It was pleasing in your sight.”  Jesus then spoke to the disciples and said,” All things have been handed over to me by my father.  No one knows who I am except the father and know, one knows the father except me. And I can reveal to anyone to whom I want to.  Blessed are the eyes that see the things that you are seeing.  Many prophets and kings wanted to see what you saw but they were not able to.  A little while later, a teacher of the law, who is an expert in the Moses law stood up to test Jesus.  He said,” Teacher, What, must I do to inherit eternal life?  Jesus asked him a question in return.  Jesus asked what is written in the law.  How did the scriptures explain how you inherit eternal life?  The teacher of the law answered and said,” It clearly says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and your strength and Love Your neighbor as yourself.”   Jesus answered and said, “You have answered correctly.”  Do this and you will live.  But the teacher of the law wasn’t pleased that Jesus made him answer his question.  He wanted to justify himself in his original question.  He said,” So, Jesus, who is my neighbor?  Jesus replied with a story.  Jesus continued; a Jewish man was going down on a road from Jerusalem to Jericho. 

Robbers saw him, beat him almost to death, and stole everything he had.  He lay injured on the side of the road.  By chance, a priest came down the same road.  When the priest saw the man, he thought I’m busy I can’t be bothered.  I don’t care if you die young man and he went on his way.  Likewise, a Levite did the same thing but later a Samaritan came by.  He saw the injured Jewish man on the side of the road.  He felt compassion.  He rejected the hatred he was supposed to feel for this enemy of his.  He said to himself,” I am on an important trip and I don’t have time for this but this man is more important than my plans.  So, the Samaritan man got off his donkey, banded up the Jewish man’s wounds, took him to an inn, and took care of him all night long.  The next day he gave money to the Innkeeper and said,” Take care of him.  If you need more money, I will give it when I return.  Then Jesus asked the teacher of the law and said, “Who, proved to be a neighbor to the injured man?  The teacher of the law replied,” The man who showed mercy to him.” Jesus answered,” Yes absolutely correct.” “Go and do the same thing.”  As Jesus was traveling along, he entered a certain village where Martha and Mary lived.  Martha invited Jesus in for a meal and she began the preparation. 

Mary Martha’s sister didn’t help her.  She sat down at Jesus’s feet and listened to him speak and teach.  Martha saw this and became annoyed.  She said to Jesus, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!  Jesus replied,” Martha, Martha! You are worried and troubled over so many things, but just one is needed.  Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from her.” Come and Join her.”


The thing I think the lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus said that he saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning negating the idea that Satan is only a representation of evil and not an actual being.  God wants us to see that Jesus gave his disciples power and authority to perform medical healings and exorcism.  The Lord wants us to see that Jesus’s disciples should rejoice that their names are written in the Lamb of the Book of Life in heaven.  God wants us to see that Eternal life will be given to people who love the Lord with all their being.  No one loves grudgingly and out of duty.  God wants us to see that he thinks that listening to and speaking with Jesus is much more important than doing things for him.  Jesus explicitly said that listening to and talking with him is the only legitimate thing anyone needs to be concerned about.  Have you been trying to serve God begrudgingly?  God wants you to change.  He wants you to joyfully love him and listen to his words.  If you have been following Jesus out of a sense of duty, if you are honest with yourself you would agree that this is not genuine love.  There is still time to repent and obey his command to love him with all of your being.  You can ask God to change you.  Come let us do that right now.  Come let us place our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.  Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross in our substitute. Come let us repent before it’s too late.


Lord as I prepare my heart and mind for changing my behavior, I ask that your divine guidance will be clear to me.  Help me to make this change, A holy change as I look to you for all my strength and guidance.  Allow your way of life to rule in my thoughts and actions. Loving father, I know I need to change.  I have been shown so many times.  Reveal to me oh lord my inner self.  Show me the root of my problem.  Jesus came down to share in our suffering and hurt.  Help me to open up to you the dark messy places that is in my heart.  Come in Oh lord and free me, heal me, cleanse me, May the Holy Spirit do this work in me. I cannot do it alone.  I need you and those you send to me.  My strength comes from you that gives life.  In Christ all things are possible.  A change can happen.  When your work is done according to your time. I will rise again, with Christ, restored and resurrected.  I know I have repeatedly said, “I just can’t.” But I know as long there is hope and faith.  You can change me.  When the lord has set me free, I am free indeed.  (5) times.  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen

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