October 16, 2024



Today I will summarize Luke chapter 8 where Luke wrote about how Jesus taught parables to the people.  Jesus calming a storm.  Jesus also did miracles and raised someone from the dead.  Jesus taught the crowd using parables.   He told his disciples why he did so. 

He wanted the crowds to hear what he had to say but not understand. To see but not perceive.  Jesus taught, a sower went out to sow his seed.  Some fell beside the road and the seed was trampled and eaten by birds.  Other seeds fell on rocky soil and as soon as they grew up withered away.  Other seeds fell into the thorns.  It sprouted but the thorns choked it out and other seeds fell into good soil.   That seed grew and produced a corn of 100 grains each.  Jesus’s disciples asked him to explain what that meant.  He said you have been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God but to most people that is hidden from them.  The seed is the word of God. Those beside the road are those who have heard the word. But the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart so that they will not believe and be saved.  Those on the rocky soil are those who when they hear and receive the word with joy but they have no firm root. 

They believe for a little while but fall away when temptation comes.  The seeds that fell among the thorns are the ones who have heard and as they go, they are choked with worries, riches, and players of life and they bring no fruit to maturity.  The seed in the good soil are those seeds who have heard the word in a good and honest heart and hold it fast and they bear fruit with perseverance.  Jesus’s mother and brothers came to him but were unable to join him because of the crowd.  One of his disciples told Jesus that they were standing outside and wanted to see him.  Jesus said to them, “My mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God and obey it and he left to meet them.  One day Jesus told his disciples that he wanted to go to the other side of the lake of Galilee.  The disciples loaded up the boat and they sailed away.  On the way, Jesus fell asleep. 

A fierce storm popped up over the lake and the boat began to get swamped with water.  The disciples came to Jesus and woke him and said, “Master, we are perishing.  Please save us.  Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and the waves and they immediately stopped and it became calm.  Jesus asked his disciples, “Where is your faith? “But they were amazed and afraid and said to one another,” Who is this man? He gives orders to the wind and the waves and they obey him!”  Jesus and his disciples sailed over to the territory of Gerasa.  As Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a man from the town who had demons in him.  The man ran up to the boat and in a loud cry, threw himself at his feet and shouted,” Jesus, Son of the highest God! “what do you want with me?” “I beg you don’t torment me before the set time!”.  He said this because Jesus had ordered the evil spirit to get out of him.  

  Now the demons who were inside the man caused him to run around naked and live-in burial caves.  Many times, the man was chained by people who caught him but he would break the chain every time.  Jesus asked the entity inside the man,” What is your name?”  The demon replied,” My name is legion for we are many.” The demons knew what was about to happen but this time they implored Jesus not to command them to go to the abyss.  They saw a herd of swine feeding on the mountain and the demons begged Jesus to allow them to go into the pigs instead of the abyss.   Jesus permitted them.  As soon as he did the demons came out of the man and entered the swine.  The herd rushed down the steep bank and got drowned in the lake.  The herdsman who was keeping the pigs saw this and ran into the city.  The people went to see what had happened.  They saw the man who was normally demon possessed in his right mind.  They saw the pigs floating in the water and were terrified.

  All the people then asked Jesus to leave them.  When Jesus began to start back the man from whom the demons had gone out was begging Jesus.  He wanted to follow him but Jesus told the man, “Go back home and tell what God has done for you.”  So, the man obeyed and went to the town telling what Jesus had done for him.  When Jesus sailed back across the lake.   A man named Jairus in particular was most desperate.  He said, “Jesus my little daughter is dying.  Please help her.  Jesus agreed and started to his home.  While he was walking a woman, who could not be healed by anyone from her bleeding came up to him and touched his cloak.  Immediately the bleeding stopped.  Jesus said, “Who touched me?”  Peter said,” Master, many people are crowding you and touching you.  Jesus replied, “I felt a power go out from me.  The woman came up to him and confessed and said it was her.  She told Jesus her story and said she could now tell she was healed.  Jesus smiled and said,” Daughter, your faith has made you well.” “Go in peace”.   While Jesus was speaking, someone from the house of Jairus came up to him and said,” Don’t bother the teacher any longer.  Your daughter has died.”  Jesus heard this and said, “Don’t be afraid.  “Only believe.”  She will be made well. 

Jesus got to the house and heard everyone wailing and crying.  Jesus spoke up and said, “Stop weeping everyone.  She is not dead.  She is only sleeping.”  They all laughed at him.  They knew she was dead.   Jesus took Peter, James, John, and the girl’s parents with him into the room where the girl was lying.  Jesus took the little girl by the hand and said,” Child arise.”  The child’s spirit returned and she got up from the bed.  Jesus told her shocked parent’s not to tell anyone what just happened. 


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus can do many miracles.  He can raise people from the dead.  He has authority and power over climate, water, and wind.  He can heal anyone of any disease.  God wants us to see that the demons know who Jesus is and they are terrified of him.  Jesus has the authority to send demons to the abyss, imprisoned there until judgment day. The demons recognized Jesus’s authority.  Perhaps you have some medical issues or are going through some storm in your life right now.  Have you ever asked Jesus to help?  No, you know that he can help why don’t you ask him if he will help?  One storm that he will help us through if we ask is the certain and imminent storm of death.  Come and let us ask Jesus to bring us safely through that storm.  If you haven’t done so already.    Come let us turn from our sin right now and repent.  Jesus humbled himself and died for both you and me. 


Father, we come to you today, bowing in our hearts, asking for protection from the evil one.  Lord we are assailed moment by moment with images on television, the internet, books, and newspapers that leave us vulnerable to sin of every kind.  Surround us with your divine hedge of protection.  Encompass us roundabout with your strength and might.  Let all who take refuge in you be glad, let them ever sing for joy.  Please shelter us. Those who love your name may exult in you.   Lord, I ask that you protect our minds.  Father, the mindset on the flesh is death, but the mindset on the spirit is life and peace.  Father let us not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may prove what your will is.  That which is good, acceptable, and perfect.   Help us by the power of your spirit to think about whatever is true, whatever is right, honorable pure, and lovely.  Whatever is of good repute.  Strengthen us in the power of your might, O God.  Dress us in your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil.  We know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood.  But against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  For it is you who blesses the righteous man, O Lord.  You surround him favor as with a shield.  You are our keeper, O Lord. The shade on our right hand.  Protect us from evil and keep our souls. Guard our going out and our coming in.  From this time and forever.  In Jesus’s name, we pray.  Amen.

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