October 11, 2024



Today I will summarize Luke chapter 3 where Luke wrote about John the Baptist’s Ministry, Jesus’s baptism, and the family tree of Joseph Jesus’s stepfather.  Luke recorded in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea and When Herod and his brother Philip were ruling the word of the Lord came to John in the wilderness.  John went into all the districts around Jordan and he preached the message of repentance for the forgiveness of sins just like the prophet Isaiah prophesied.  John preached to the crowds and said things like you brood of vipers. 

Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath of God?  Your life must produce fruit proving you repented for your sins.  Don’t say you don’t have to repent because you are Jews and you say Abraham is your father.  God can raise children from Abraham from the very rocks around us.  You are not saved because you are a Jew. 

You must repent.  Everyone who does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.  The crowds questioned John and asked, what shall we do then?  John answered and said repent for your sin.  Prove it by doing things like this if you have two pairs of clothes share them with the man who has none.  Do the same thing if you have extra food.  You tax collectors don’t collect more than what you have ordered.  You soldiers don’t take any money from anyone by force and be content with your wages.  Many people were asking themselves if John the Baptist was the long-awaited Messiah the Christ.  John knew what they were thinking plainly.  John replied no I am not the Christ.  I baptize with water.  One is coming earlier is mighty than I am.  I’m not worthy to untie his sandals. 

He will baptize you with Holy Spirit and with fire.  He is ready to gather the wheat in his barn and he is ready to burn the chef with unquenchable fire.  John was baptizing people.  Jesus walked up and asked to be baptized.  John reluctantly agreed.  Once John baptized Jesus and while Jesus was praying heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. 

The voice came out from heaven saying,” You are my beloved son.  In you, I am well pleased.  Jesus was about thirty years old when this happened.  John the Baptist preached repentance to everyone including the rulers of the land.  When John pointed out to Herod that he must stop committing sexual sins with his brother’s wife and that he must repent.  Herod became very annoyed.  He loved his sin and did not want to stop.  Instead, he had John arrested and thrown into prison to shut him up.  In the first Gospel, a man named Matthew detailed the entire family tree of Mary Jesus’s earthly mother to show that she descended from king David.  Luke however detailed the entire family tree of Joseph Jesus’s stepfather.  Luke Joseph and his father, father’s father, and on down the line. Luke wrote to each individual relative from each generation to prove that Joseph was in King’s David line but Luke didn’t stop there.  He went on to Isaac and Abraham and kept going on and on.  Luke detailed Noah’s, Lamech, Methuselah, and Enoch’s.  Luke went all the way and detailed Seth Adam the very first man and God his creator. 


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this is that John the Baptist preached repentance and baptize people in the water. Jesus preached repentance and baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire.  He is still doing that today. He wants us to understand that repentance is a key aspect of salvation.  God wants us to see that all three persons of the Holy Trinity God the Father, God the son, and, God the Holy Spirit were present at the baptism of Jesus Christ ad people were eyewitnesses of this situation.  God listed the Genealogy of Jesus from king David to Abraham, Noah to Enoch to Adam the first man to God.  God is laid out in simple terms and an easy-to-understand format for anyone strong enough to stand for the truth.  Do you have enough confidence to stand up for what is true and correct in the face of this upside-down kingdom we all live in in the bible?  God detailed everything we need to know to live victoriously in this wicked alien world and even included how many generations of people existed since the beginning of creation.  You have a choice to make. You can believe God’s word or you can believe the thousands of contradicting voices out there.  I choose God and how about you?  Come let us all turn from our sins right now and turn to God For salvation. 



Jesus, I believe you died for my sins, and only through faith in your death and resurrection can I be forgiven.  I want to turn from sins and ask you to come into my life as my saviour and lord.  From this day on, I will follow you by living a life that pleases you.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving me.  Amen

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