Matthew Chapter 25
Matthew chapter 25
Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 25 where Jesus told the people a parable about ten virgins. A parable about money called talents and about the future judgment of all humankind. Jesus began the kingdom of heaven is comparable to ten virgins who are waiting for a bridegroom. They took their lamps and waited for him. Five of the virgins took extra oil and flasks in case the bridegroom did not arrive early, but five were foolish. They did not take any extra oil. While the bridegroom delayed all the virgins got drowsy and began to sleep. But at midnight there was a shout. Behold the bridegroom and come out to meet him. All the virgins trimmed their lamps but the five who did not have extra oil noticed their lamps were going out. They begged the other prudent ones who brought extra oil. Please let us have some of your extra oil. The prudent virgins said no we won’t have enough if we give ours to you. You go but some for yourself in the marketplace. So, the foolish ones left but just as they left the bridegroom came and invited everyone inside and the door was shut. Later the other virgins came saying Lord Open the door for us but he answered, “Truly I say to you I do not know you. I will not open the door. Jesus said to be on your alert. You do not know the day or hour of my coming. Jesus continued the kingdom of heaven is like a man about to go on a Journey.
He called his slaves to him and he entrusted his possessions to them. To one slave he gave five talents. To another, he gave two and to another, he gave one each according to his ability. Then he left. Immediately the one who received five talents began trading with them and he earned five more. In the same way, the man who had two talents earned two more. But the slave who received one talent dug a hole and buried it under the ground. After a long while, the master came home and settled all accounts. The slave who was given five talents said look I have earned five more. Here are your 10 talents. His master said well done good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master. The second slave did the same thing but the third slave who was given one talent spoke to his master. He said I knew you are a harsh man and you reap where you do not sow. I was afraid and I hid your money in the ground. Here it is. His master became annoyed and said, you wicked evil slave. You should have at least put my money in the bank so I can earn interest.
Guards give his one talent to the slave who is ten and take this worthless slave into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jesus then talked about judgment day. He said when will come in all my glory and all the angels with me then I will sit on my glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before me. I will separate them like a shepherd separates the sheep and the goats. Open the sheep on my right and I will put all the goats on the left. I will say to my sheep come you who are blessed by my father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me a drink.
I was a stranger and you invited me in. I was in prison and you came to me. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. The righteous will answer and say Lord when did we see you hungry, thirsty as a stranger in prison, naked or sick? I will then truly say to you to the extent that you did these things to fellow Christians even the least of them you did it to me. Then I will say to the goats on my left depart from me cursed ones into the eternal fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels. I was hungry and thirsty you gave me nothing. I was a stranger and you did not invite me in. I was naked and you gave me no clothes. Oh, sick and in prison and you did not visit me. They then will say Lord when did we see you in any of these circumstances. I will answer to the extent you did not do any of these things to one of the least of my children you did not do it to me and these will be sentenced to eternal punishment but the righteous will be granted eternal life.
The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus gave us all warning to be ready for either our death or his return. Just like the parable of the ten virgins described. God wants us to see that he gave each one of us talents and we are to use them for his glory and multiply them. Whatever that looks like for each one of us individually. The Lord wants us to see that they will be a judgment day and he will separate the righteous from the wicked.
A key indicator of who is righteous and who is wicked can be found in their treatment of Christians according to Jesus. And God wants us to be keenly aware that there will be everlasting punishment or eternal life with him at stake in this life. Jesus said these things specifically and without confusion. Which side of Jesus will you be on? Will he which is on his right side with the other righteous sheep or will he put you on his left side with the other wicked goats? Why don’t you decide which side you want to be on? Right now, there’s is still time to repent and change your mind. But one day soon your time will expire. Why don’t you turn from your sin right now and repent? Why don’t you place your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation today? Don’t turn your back on God. One day you will see him face to face. Turn around and seek, Jesus Christ, before it will be too late. Believe in him, and you will receive forgiveness for all your sins and have peace with God. God has made the method of salvation so simple that everyone can obtain it. If you choose to believe in Jesus, God will be your father and you will become his beloved child and be part of his everlasting kingdom. The sacrifice was the only way for God to bring us back to him because our sins separated us. Bust Jesus was willing to take our sins, to serve our sentenced and he died for us on the cross. Everyone that chooses to believe in him is thereby justified saved and becomes a true Christian. God then sees you through Jesus and you are without sin or guilt from his point of view. It is a gift from God to each of us.
The innocent was sacrificed to justify the guilty ones. Every person has the right to know the consequences of turning away from God. Yes, no doubt God is a beloved father for all those who receive Jesus as the savior, but it is also true that anyone who turns away from him will one day meet him as a judge. At that point there will be no second chance, no possibility of repenting. The Gospels speak about the two alternative outcomes after death; God’s kingdom or a place of hopelessness and suffering. Jesus said,” Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell”. (Matthew chapter 10 verses 28) The time you spend on this earth is not even the blink of an eye compared to eternity., yet we choose to believe in this life that determines where we will spend our eternity. This is the most important decision you will ever have to make, so please consider it carefully. What you have done in the past or how well you are feeling on the inside. You should come to Jesus just as you are. It is a simple choice and a matter of sticking to that choice no matter what. It is never too late to turn to Jesus as long as you live. I strongly recommend not delaying the most important matter you will ever have to consider in your life. You never know how old you will be when you will die, or if you will be prepared for your death. And when you are dead, the door will be closed for all eternity, and at that point, there will be no second chance then it will be too late.
Dear Jesus! I am very sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. I ask your forgiveness. Thank you for dying on the cross for me to set me free from my sins. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit and be with me forever. I thank you for enduring some much suffering on my behalf. I pray that I may have the same strength to endure life for your sake. You died and rosed again so that I can live for you. Wash me with your cleansing blood and purify my soul. Strip me of anything displeasing to you, that’s against your holiness. I declare my heart and mind are clean and pure! In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.