January 22, 2025

Matthew chapter 24


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus discussed his second coming and the end of the age.  Jesus’s disciples came up to him and said how great the temple is and all the surrounding buildings. They are magnificent.  Jesus told them yes, I see them.  But I also see when all of them will be torn down and destroyed.  Not even one brick will be left on another one.  Later that evening Jesus’s disciples came up to him and asked them privately when will the temple be destroyed. While we are discussing future things, what will be the sign of your coming? what about the end of the age?  What can we look for? How can we prepare?  Jesus began telling them about the end of the age when the apocalypse happens and when he will return. 

Jesus said to make sure no one misleads you.  Many will say that they are Christ or the Messiah and they will mislead many people.  I am telling you right now do not believe them.  I will come back in the end and it will be as fast as lightning.  Everyone will be going about their business just like in the days of Noah.  Everyone was eating and drinking and getting married even on the day Noah got into the ark.  Then suddenly disaster overtook them.  It will be the same way when I return.  Jesus said here are the signs you should look for to know things are getting close to the end. 

There will b wars and rumors of earth wars.  Make sure you are not frightened.  There will be famines and earthquakes in many different places.  There will be civil war in many countries but this is just the beginning of the end.  Then Christians will be persecuted in mass.  The wicked ones will kill many of you.  Christians will be hated by all nations. Many false prophets will lead many people astray.  There will be an extreme amount of crime everywhere.  People’s love for each other will grow cold because of the crime.  Then the Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations.  Then the end shall come. Whoever endures to the end will be saved.  Jesus said let me explain a little bit more.  Many people will come in my name pretending to be me.  They will even be able to show great miracles and have evil powers. 

If someone says we have found the Messiah he is out in the wilderness or he is in the secret inner room.  Do not believe them.  They are lying.  Everyone will know when I come back.  Every eye will see me instantly all at the same time.  All the tribes of the earth will mourn when they realize they were wrong.  They will see me come on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.  Then I will send my angels with a great trumpet blast and they will gather all of my elect chosen people from the four ends of the earth and from one end of the sky to the other.  Two will be out in the field.  One will be taken and the other will be left.  Two women will be grinding grain at a mill.  One will be taken and the other will be left. Be on the alert.  You don’t know which day I will come.  No one knows except the father when that day is scheduled for.  The angels don’t know even I don’t know. 

I submitted myself to the father to show you how to submit and I wait for him to command me to return.  I am coming back on a day no one will expect.  If someone says they know they are lying.   Jesus continued.  I will tell you some details about what will happen before I return.  This will seem like a riddle to those people until the end then.  Then the people who are supposed to understand will understand.  When you see the abomination of desolation that Daniel spoke about standing in the Holy place.  If you are in Judea you must flee to the mountains. Don’t even go back into your house for your coat. Move right away.  Woe to you who nurse young children on that day pray that you will not have to run away in the winter or on the Sabbath. 

There will be great tribulation.  No other history past or future-forward will be so terrible.  If I did not put a stop to time itself no life would have been saved.  But for the people whom I have chosen, I will put a stop to this wretched evil.  After Jesus finished speaking this he went on and said immediately after this tribulation period of the last days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.  All the stars will fall from the sky.  The powers of heaven will be shaken.  My sign the sign of the son of man will appear in the sky and I will come back to gather all my chosen people.  I promise the race of humans will not go extinct before all these things happen.  Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will remain forever.  Why do you think my return has to be a surprise?  Think about it if a homeowner knew his home was going to be robbed on a specific night, he would stay awake and protect his home.  That is why the father has set a time he knows. 

If you pray, he will help you understand why.  Who is the sensible slave that the master put in charge of his household to give them food at the proper time?  Blessed is that slave whom his master finds faithful when he comes back.  His master will put that slave in charge of all of his possessions.  The foolish evil slave says in his heart, my master is not coming back for a long time and so he beats his fellow slaves and he eats and drinks with drunkards and he is untrustworthy.  The master will come on a day when that slave does not expect and the master will cut that slave into pieces.  He will kill his body and assign his soul to place with the other evil hypocrites.  In that place, there will be much suffering.


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus gave us all warning not to believe anyone who says they are Messiah even if they are able to do evil miracles.  God wants us to be prepared for the end and live each day like it was our last.  God wants us to know in advance what the signs of the end of time are.  He wants us to endure to the end. He said the ones who endure till the end will be saved and our end will come either with our death or with the Lord’s return. God wants us to know that Jesus is coming again somehow.  It will be quick like literal lightning going across the sky and every eye will see him. 

God wants us to see that heaven and the earth will pass away but Jesus Christ’s words will never pass away.  God wants us to know that Jesus will be coming back at a time no one will know but he encourages everyone to be on the alert and to live Godly lives until that day arrives.  Are you a wise servant who will be found faithful to do the things God wants you to do or are you a foolish servant who thinks that Jesus will not come back so you are doing anything you please?  There is still time to change your mind and repent.  Come let us all turn away from our sins and repent now.  Let us place our faith in Jesus Christ for salvation today.  Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross for you and me so that our sins may be forgiven and we can reconcile once again with the heavenly father.



Heavenly Father, you go before us.  You are the God of the Past and our present.  By your hand, we are all created for the unique purpose to be realized in the days of our lives on this earth.  Though we have no way of knowing what is coming our way, we know we have an enemy set to destroy us.  Give us the boldness we need to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit, discern the lies of the enemy, and recall and remember the truths in your word.  We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

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