October 16, 2024

Matthew chapter 15


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 15 where Jesus courted the scribes and the Pharisees regarding their traditions.  Where Jesus healed a Canaanite woman’s daughter and where Jesus fed around 4,000 people.  Some Pharisees and scribes came up to Jesus and said why do your disciples break the traditions of the elders.  They don’t wash their hands when they eat and one of the traditions says you must ceremonially wash your hands before you eat so you do not become unclean.

On hearing this Jesus replied I have a question for you.  Why do you and the elders of the traditions break the commandments of Almighty God? You hypocrites.  For example, God commanded everyone to honor their father and mother and whoever curses his mother or father is to be put to death.  But you and your traditions say that you don’t have to do this.  If someone dedicates their things when they die to the Lord but then discovers their parents need help with money or something you do not allow the to help their parents.  There are many other examples just like this one.  Rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you when he said the people honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from him.  In vain do they worship him?  They think their traditions are just like God’s commands.  Jesus called the crowds who were there around to teach them.  He said whatever enters into the mouth does not defile a man.  Words that come out of the mouth defile a man.  Jesus’s disciples came up to him afterwards and said, you offended the Pharisees and scribes greatly when you overrode their traditions with your words.  Jesus said yes indeed I did.  Leave them alone.  God will soon uproot them.  They are blind guides.  If a blind man leads another blind man both of them will fall into a pit. 

They have no idea what they are talking about.  Peter asked Jesus, Lord please explain this last parable about the mouth.  Jesus said you are still lacking understanding. Every person that eats anything goes into the stomach and then is digested and eliminated. The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart.  Evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and slander comes from the heart.  The sick heart defiles a man.  The things a person eats do not defile a man.  Jesus and his disciples then travelled into the district of Tyre while he travelled a Canaanite woman came out to him crying.  She said have mercy on me Lord son of David. 

My daughter is demon-possessed.  Jesus stayed silent for a while listening to the woman.  The disciples told Jesus that he should send her away because she was so persistent.  Jesus shook his head no.  He continued listening to the woman.  Jesus replied my mission is to tell only the lost sheep of Israel about the kingdom.  It is right to take the children’s bread and feed it to the dogs. The woman responded yes Lord but even the dogs feed on the crumbs falling from the master’s table.  Jesus smiled and said, woman, you have great faith I will heal your daughter. 

She is now healed.  The woman thanked Jesus and left and her daughter was healed that very moment.  Jesus went to the mountain by the sea of Galilee. many people saw Jesus and bought their friends, relatives, and people who were sick, crippled, lame, blind, mute, and demon-possessed and Jesus healed them all.  Jesus called his disciples over to him and said I feel compassion for these people.  They were all with me for three days already and they did not get a chance to eat.  I want you to feed them just like you did before.  How many loaves of bread do you have? The disciples replied that they had seven loaves of bread and a few small fish.  Just like before Jesus directed all the people to sit down and then he gave thanks to the father for the food.  he broke the loaves and the fish and gave them to his disciples to distribute it.  This time there were 4,000 people and the people ate and were completely satisfied.  The disciples picked up seven basketful leftovers this time around. 



The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus was very harsh with the religious leaders of the dead.  They invented traditions and were forced to obey them.  They taught that their traditions were equal to the commandments of God and Jesus called them Hypocrites.  God wants us to make sure we do not do the same thing they did.  God wants us to see that Jesus healed a Gentile woman’s daughter because she had great faith.  God wants us to see that Jesus fed 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread and a few fish.  This was the second time he did something like this.  Have you been taught that you must obey the traditions of some religions perhaps that is why many people think that following Jesus only consists of many rules?  Get to know Jesus as your savior and your Lord Today. You will certainly think differently about the idea that Christianity is only about rigid rule-keeping.  Jesus humbled himself on the cross for you and me so that our sins may be forgiven.


Dear heavenly father, I face situations and decisions.  They are complicated and dense.  I feel confused and lost.  Kindly help me father and show me the light. 

Lord, calm my heart.  Let me know that my peace depends upon you alone.  No matter how things turn out, With, you at the Centre of my life, I will stand. I will survive.  May your spirit keep me balanced. Lord show, me your will. Let my mind and heart be opened to what best serves truth and life.  Give me the courage to do what is right.  Show me your word.  Reveal it to my heart, Oh lord. And make my conviction strong.  For when I go to you, and you show me your will, the blessing is guaranteed.  It may not be easy, and it may take time, But, upon Christ, I stand firm.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.                                  

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