October 9, 2024


Today I will summarize chapter 9 where Jesus resurrected a dead child. He performed more miracles and where Jesus called Matthew to be a disciple.  Some of the disciples of John the Baptist came up to Jesus and asked why do we and the Pharisees fast but your disciples do not fast?  Jesus told them the attendants of the bridegroom cannot mourn when the groom is with them because they are exceedingly happy. 

When the bridegroom is taken away from them, they will indeed fast. Jesus went on from there and he saw a Jewish man named Matthew collecting taxes for the Romans. Matthew was considered a traitor and a sinner to all the other Jews because of this. When Jesus saw him collecting taxes, he said follow me.  Immediately Matthew left his tax responsibilities and began following Jesus.  They went and had a meal and Jesus invited many people to eat with him. The Pharisees and scribes were constantly watching Jesus.  When the Pharisees saw Jesus eating with the Jewish traders and Sinners, they asked Jesus’ disciples. Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?

Doesn’t he know that this is not acceptable under our traditions? When Jesus saw what was playing in their minds, he said,” Healthy people don’t need a doctor but those who are sick do”.  I am not coming for self-righteous people I came for people who know they are sinners.  Go and learn what this means. I desire compassion and not sacrifice.  Some of the people brought one of their friends who was paralyzed to Jesus.  When Jesus saw the man’s friends’ faith.  Jesus spoke to the paralyzed man.  Jesus said,” Son your sins are forgiven.”  Some scribes who were there said to themselves this man is calling himself God and He blasphemes. 

Only God can forgive sins.  Jesus knew what they were thinking and said why do you constantly think evil in your hearts?  Is it easier for someone to say you are healed get up and walk or to say your sins are forgiven?  Of, course, it is easier to say something about forgiveness.  The proof to you that God has given me the son of man the authority to forgive sins.  Jesus then said to the paralytic get up pick up your bed and go home. The man just did what Jesus asked him to do without any doubts in his heart.  All the people were awestruck and glorified the father for giving Jesus that authority and power.  When Jesus was going about his work when a synagogue official came up to him and bowed down before him crying.  The man said my little daughter just died.  Please come and lay your hands on her and she will live. Jesus told the man that he would go.  When they started their journey, a woman snuck up behind Jesus.  She had constantly interrupted bleeding for 12 years. 

She thought to herself, if only I could just touch his cloak I will get well. Jesus felt healing power leave his body.  Jesus stopped and looked at the women.  Jesus said daughter your faith has made you well. You are healed.  The bleeding stopped the instant she touched Jesus and she was healed.  When Jesus arrived at the synagogue officials’ house, he saw the crowd crying and mourning.  Jesus told everyone to leave the house now.  The girl is not dead but is asleep.  Everyone laughed at Jesus.  When all the crowd left Jesus when to see the child’s body.  He took the little girl’s hands and said arise little girl.  The girl woke up.  The news about this spread throughout the land. Jesus’s heart was filled with pity for his people because they were worried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  He also healed two blind men and a dumb man.


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand is that he came to save the people who knew they were sinners.  He did not come for self-righteous people.  God wants us to see that Jesus not only had the power to heal physical problems like bleeding, deaf, dumb, blind, and paralysis.  He could also raise dead people back to life.   But most important of all Jesus had the authority to forgive the sins of people. God wants us to see that many people need to hear the good news about Jesus Christ but there are very few people who go and tell them.


We all should pray that God sends more workers into the fields of harvest.  Are you one of the few people God has sent to tell others about the good news, birth-death, and resurrection of Jesus?   Will the lord find you faithful in performing that task? If you haven’t done it already why don’t you consider repenting for your sins and turning to the Lord for salvation?


Heavenly Father, you are the lord of the harvest, you are the only one who calls workers into your fields. You are in charge of the harvest. You lead, prompt and touch hearts to respond to your incredible invitation.  We praise you for your supreme and unlimited power over the hearts and minds of people, we praise you for your love and for people who choose to participate in your work.  We long to see the world transformed by you. There is a great need for the world to be touched by your healing power.  People are weary and worn out. Lord as you are great and merciful.  Lord may we have the same compassion for the lost.  Lord, we desire to see the world redeemed.  Please father call thousands of men and women to the harvest so that they may respond to your invitation with a simple “Yes Lord”! Give us all the courage and boldness to respond with obedience.  We plead for faithful warriors.  Send the workers to reap a harvest of lost souls   Empower a team of laborers so that they may be fruitful and effective witnesses wherever they live, work or go. I make his prayer in the name of your beloved son your lord Jesus Christ Amen.

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