October 9, 2024

Matthew chapter 8


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 8 where Jesus performed numerous miracles.  When Jesus came down from the mountain a man with a dreaded skin disease came up to Jesus and knelt before him, and said “Lord if you are willing you can make me clean.  Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the man and said yes, I do want to,” he answered. “Be clean!” Immediately the man was healed.    Jesus told the man not to tell anyone but to go and show himself to the priest and present the offering Moses Commanded as a witness that he was healed.  Jesus then went to Capernaum.  When Jesus arrived, a Roman officer came to Jesus and begged Jesus for help.   He said my servant is sick in bed at home unable to move and suffering terribly. I will go and make him well, “Jesus said.  The officer answered I am not worthy for you to come under my house. Just say give the order and my servant will be healed. I’m a man under authority- with many soldiers under me.  I tell someone to do something and they follow my instructions. Jesus was amazed and said I have not found anyone in Israel with the kind of faith that this.  I assure you that many will come from the east and the west and will sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at the feast in the kingdom of heaven but the invited from Israel who declined my invitation will be cast out into outer darkness and will weep and gnash their teeth and they will eternally regret what they have done.  Jesus turned to the roman officer and said go it’ll be done for you as you believed and the servant was healed that very moment.  Jesus went to Peter’s home where he saw Peter’s mother-in-law who was sick with a fever.  Jesus touched her hand and the fever left her and she began to wait upon Jesus.  When it was evening many people visited Peter’s home.  They brought their friends and family who were sick or demon-possessed.  Jesus cast out the demons with the word and he healed all who were ill.  He fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy stating he took our infirmities and carried away our diseases. After Jesus healed the people, he told the disciples that he wanted to cross over to the other side of the sea.  Before they could leave a teacher of the law came up to him and said, “I will follow you Jesus where ever you go”.  Jesus told the man Foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of man has no place to lay his head and rest.  Then Another man who was a disciple said Sir, let me go back and bury my father.  Jesus told the man let the dead bury their dead.   Jesus got into the boat and his disciples went with him. Jesus fell asleep.  While Jesus slept a great fierce storm arose in the lake and the boat was in danger of sinking.  Jesus’ disciples woke him and frantically said, “Save us lord we are perishing”.  Jesus got up and looked at the storm and said to his disciples why are you so afraid you men of little faith?  Jesus then rebuked the winds and the waves to stop, and there was a great calm.  The disciples were amazed.  They say to each other what kind of man is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him.  When the disciples and Jesus arrived at the territory of Gadara two men who were demon-possessed raced out from the cemetery screaming at Jesus.  They were so violent that no one could pass by without getting assaulted.  The demons inside one of the men shrieked and said what business do we have with each other Jesus son of the living god?  We know who you are.  Have you come here to torment us before our time? If you are driving us out, send us into the herd of pigs on the far hillside.  Jesus agreed and said go.  Suddenly the herd of pigs started to rush down the side of the cliff and drowned.  The whole city came out to see for themselves what happened after the pig’s man reported the incident.   When saw what happened they begged Jesus to leave their territory at once.


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus healed many people from all kinds of sicknesses.  From leprosy to fever to demon possession.  God wants us to see that all authority in heaven and on earth is being given to Jesus and with that authority, Jesus can heal whom he wishes.  We should understand the relationship between authority and faith.  The Roman officer knew Jesus had authority over disease. The Lord wants us to see that Jesus has power over the winds and the waves of the sea.  God wants us to know that the demons knew who Jesus Christ is.  They are extremely fearful of him.  He wants us to see that even the demons know that there is a day of Judgement coming on the world and them.  The Lord wants us to see that the whole city witnessed the power of Jesus but instead of welcoming him into their lives, they told him to leave their presence at once.  Have you witnessed the power of Jesus and don’t want anything to do with him? There is still time to change your mind and surrender your life to the Lord right now.  Tell him you repent and you want to come back to him.  Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross in place of you and me.  Father raised Jesus from the dead.  If you confess from your mouth that Jesus is Lord and if you believe in your heart that it is all true you will be saved. come brothers and sisters let us do that right now.


Dear heavenly father, when the pressure mounts, and the trouble of this world begins to close in, give me the grace to return to you.  I don’t want to be a hero; I don’t want the easy way out.  All I want, all I need is your loving mercy.  never leave me, lord. Keep me under your wings.  Even if I don’t feel you there, At least let me understand that you are there.  Give me the strength to take up the cross and fight the good fight.  Let your grace allow me to believe in the only one that gives me truth and clarity despite the pain and struggle.  The Lord is my healer.  He saved the world and he healed my disease. he is my lord my healer. Amen

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