October 12, 2024





Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 26 where a woman poured perfume on Jesus.  Where we see Jesus eat his last Passover meal and Institute what we called the Lord’s Supper. Where Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane.  Where Judas betrayed Jesus.  Where Jesus faced an illegal night-time trial and where Peter denied Jesus.

Jesus told the disciples you know that after two days the Passover is coming.  I will be handed over to the authorities or execution by crucifixion. The disciples were speechless.  They didn’t understand they still thought Jesus would save Israel from the Roman occupation.  Now Jesus went to a Pharisee named Simon the leper’s home.  A woman named Mary came up to Jesus and poured a very expensive bottle of perfume on his head.  Judas and some of the disciples were angry about what she did.  They said this could have been sold for a large amount and the money could be given to the poor.  Jesus said to leave the women alone.  She has done a good thing.  She unwillingly prepared my body for burial.  You will always have the poor with you but you will not have me.  I now declare that wherever my Gospel is preached what this woman has done will be spoken of in memory of her.  Satan entered Judas’s mind and made him furious.  He stormed out of the house. 

He immediately went to the chief priest and said I will lead you where Jesus is.  What profit will I get if I betray him? They told him they would give him thirty pieces of silver and Judas agreed to the deal.   On the first day of Unleavened Bread, part of the Passover ceremony.  Jesus Told some of his disciples to go into the city and meet a certain man and say these words.  The teacher says my time is near.  I must keep the Passover at your house.  The disciples did as they were instructed.  They set up a meal there.  As evening came Jesus ate with his disciples.  He was sad and said one of you will betray me tonight.  Each disciple asked is it me, my lord? Jesus said I am going to die soon just as it was written about me in the Prophetic writings.  But they woe to that man who betrays me.  It would be better if that man had not been born. 

One who dips his bread in the dish with me will betray me.  Judas, the traitor spoke up, “surely, teacher, you don’t mean me?”  he asked.  Jesus answered, “So you say.” Then Jesus took some bread after blessing it, broke it into pieces, gave it to his disciples, and said take this and eat it.  This is my body.  Then he took a cup gave thanks to God, and gave it to them.  Drink it, all of you.  This is my blood which seals God’s covenant, my blood poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.  Do this in remembrance until I come again.  Then they sang a hymn and went to the Mount of Olives.  Jesus said all of you will abandon me and escape from me tonight because the Scripture says.  “God will kill the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’  Listen closely, after I rise from the dead after three days, I will Go to Galilee ahead of you.  Peter spoke up and said to Jesus “even if everyone else abandons you. 

I will not leave you.  I will die with you and all the disciples repeated the same.   Jesus then told Peter “I tell you that before the cock crows tonight, you will deny me three times that you don’t know me.  Jesus and his disciples then walked to a garden where they regularly went to pray.  Jesus told his disciples to stay behind and he took Peter, James, and John with him. Grief and anguish came over him.  He said to them “The sorrow in my heart is so great that it almost crushes me.  He told them to keep watch with him.   He went a little farther on, threw himself face downwards on the ground, and prayed. “Father if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me. Yet, not my will but your will may be fulfilled.  Jesus went back to the disciples and found them asleep.  He woke them and said, Peter,” How is it that you three were not able to keep a watch for an hour with me? Keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  Again, Jesus went and prayed.  “Father if this cup of suffering cannot be taken away unless I drink it.  May the will of my father be done”.  He returned once more and found them asleep.  Jesus saw that they could not keep their eyes open.  

He went away and prayed the third time repeating the same words.  Then Jesus returned to them and said “are you still sleeping and resting? The hour has come for the son of man to be handed over to the power of sinful men.  As Jesus said this a large crowd armed with swords and clubs raced into the garden.  Judas went up to him and said “Hail Rabbi “and kissed Jesus.  Judas previously gave the mob instructions and said whoever I kiss he is the one.  You seize him.  The crowd of people seized Jesus.  But suddenly Peter pulled out a knife and started slashing.  He cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant.  Jesus scolded Peter and said put your knife away.  Whoever lives by the sword will die by the sword. 

Don’t you realize that I could call on my father for help and at once he would send twelve armies of angels?  But in that case, how would the scriptures come true?  Jesus then told the crowd I sat each day teaching in the temple and you did not arrest me then.  You have come here tonight to fulfill prophecy.  All the disciples fled away from Jesus and the crowd took Jesus to the high priest’s residence.  Once Jesus got there the chief priests had the council of elders question, Jesus.

It was at night and was considered illegal under the law. They did not care they wanted to kill Jesus.  The elders questioned Jesus for hours but Jesus would not answer them. Many false witnesses came forward but they could not accuse Jesus of anything.  Two men came forward and said they remembered Jesus saying that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days.  The high priest asked is this true?  Jesus did not reply. The high priest got angry and said I command you in the name of the living God in heaven that you tell us right now if you are the Christ, the Messiah, the son of the living God?  Jesus then answered and said yes, I am.  After this Jesus said, you will see me sitting at the right hand of the Almighty and coming on the clouds of the heaven.

  The high priest tore his robes and said Jesus claiming that he is God which is blasphemy.  I am tearing my robes in your presence to validate this.  We don’t need any witnesses now because we are the witnesses and we heard him with our ears.  The council of elders then said Jesus is guilty and deserves to die for blasphemy. 

Then they all spat on Jesus’s face and punched him.  They also mocked him and said, “Can you guess the man who hit you?  Peter was watching outside in the courtyard.  A servant girl noticed him and said you were with Jesus in the garden.  Peter denied it and said I don’t know what you are talking about.  A few minutes later another servant-girl saw him and said to the men there.  He was with Jesus of Nazareth too. This time, Peter denied it with an oath and said I don’t know Jesus. A little later some of the crowds said surely you are with Jesus. You are of them. The way you speak gives you away! Peter said “I swear that I am telling the truth! May God punish me if I am not! I don’t know the man. Just then the cock crowed and Jesus looked at him.  Then Peter remembered what Jesus had told him.  He went out ashamed of himself and cried bitterly.



The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that he is more concerned about the condition and motives of our hearts than the number of good deeds that we do.  He wants us to see that Jesus repeatedly told his disciples about his upcoming death and resurrection from the dead.  God wants us to see that even Peter who thought that he would never deny Jesus was so fearful of persecution and death that he did deny Jesus three times in one night.  But God still used him for mighty works in the kingdom of God.  The Lord wants us to see that Jesus could have called warriors and angels to destroy the world rather than undergo crucifixion.  But Jesus died willingly a horrible death in place of us. 

Remember the Old Testament records in 2ndKings 19 only one angel single-handedly killed 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian army in a few hours.  Think what 72,000 angels could have done. God wants us to see that Jesus was sentenced to death by the high priest for blaspheming. When Jesus specifically said that he was Christ the son of God and that he will sit at the right hand of Almighty and come back on the clouds of Heaven.  Did you realize that Jesus was sentenced to death for claiming to be the Messiah the son of the living God?  It was the truth.  Do you believe Jesus is who he says he is or do you think he is a blasphemer? 

Why don’t you decide on which side you want to be on? There is still time for you while you are on this earth to repent and turn for salvation to Jesus.  Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross as my substitute and yours.  Purity of the heart means living in the world but not letting the world’s ways get to us.  We must walk away from sinful nature.  Life is much more peaceful when we step away from that rebellion and learn to walk under the gentle leadership of the lord. It’s not just a matter of not looking or doing certain things.   It is also a matter of our heart’s motives.  Jesus said that lust alone isn’t good because it leads to adultery.  He also said that anger isn’t good because left unbridled, it can lead to the sin of murder. All sins begin in the mind.  That is where it needs to be reined.  People may be pure in their eyes, but the lord examines their motives.   We live a holy life that imitates God’s holiness.   

I agree at times it is impossible to do so because of many deceptions and temptations in our lives.  Our frail human bodies and minds have trouble fathoming such a pure and holy life.  We can only do this by believing that God paid a ransom to save us from this empty sinful life.  That Ransome was the precious blood of his only son, the sinless, the spotless lamb of God.  God chose him long ago before the world began.  Through Christ alone, we are cleansed from our sins.  We must admit our wrongdoings and realize that our sins separate us from the Lord.  God has every right to bring harsh judgment against us.  If we confess our sins to him.  He is faithful enough and just to forgive us of those sins and cleanse us from all wickedness. 



Dear lord, help us to be holy and stay away from all sins so that we won’t be slaves to our passions.  Help us to live in holiness that honors you.  Help us not to fall into the traps of being human with a sinful nature.  Help us not to make ourselves impure, by dabbling in idolatry, sorcery, uncontrolled anger, greed, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, or drunkenness.  We desire to live with you Lord as our focus as we help the neighbors all around us as much as we can.  Help us to be an example to others in what we say, how we live and love.  May we always strive to walk in purity.  Lord help us to remember what we focus on will affect us.  May we focus on you more than looking at the worthless things in this world.  Give us discernment to know what is worthy.  To look at what is not.  Our eyes are like lamps.  They can let light into our hearts and soul.  May we take as much of your light and truth as possible, while looking away from dark things.  The world is such a fallen place that sometimes we cannot stop ourselves from seeing things that corrupt us.  But we can stop at the point of seeing before it becomes a lingering issue.  Our thoughts become actions.  Help our thoughts to be of you and your word most of the time.  So that we can live a pure and Godly life of faith and perseverance.   We desire to fix our thoughts on the things that are pure, true, honorable, right, and lovely as much as possible.  For these thoughts encourage us to go forward in faith and hope.  The more we think good things.  The more we will do good deeds.  We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.  Amen.




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