October 12, 2024

Stop poisoning your life. (If you want to be happy)



Stop poisoning your life. (If you want to be happy)

   What is mental poison?

   Mental poison is addictive and psychologically toxic thought habits.


It’s easy to go through life holding on to things that are weighing us down:  Guilt, resentment, doubt, worry. The problem is when we allow these things in, they’re taking up space for the good things that should be there. Imagine your life is like a container. You were created to be filled with joy, peace, confidence, and creativity, but if you allow worry in, it pushes out the peace. There’s no space for both.  You can’t go above 100 percent.

You have a limited amount of room.  Some people don’t enjoy their lives because their container( their heart, is contaminated with so many things. 

They have worries

·         10 % percent worries, are stressed out over their job,

·         12 % bitter, mad at their neighbor,

·         20 % guilty, beating themselves up for past mistakes

·         9 % jealously, and their co-worker is more beautiful. They don’t realize that

·         70 % of their container is negative.

No wonder why they don’t have joy, creativity, and passion.  Give no place to guilt, give no place to worry, give no place to bitterness. It can’t come in and automatically take over, your control.  What’s in your container, will control what you think about and choose to allow in.  We all have negative emotions and negative feelings. You have to make the choice:” I’m not going to give this jealously, this bitterness, this anger, valuable space and let it poison my life? I am going to protect what I allow in me. Every morning when you wake up, you need to empty anything negative from the day before. Somebody offended you at work, they didn’t treat you right, it’s easy to let that offense stay. Does It feel good to carry around a grudge? You have to be disciplined to say” No” I am not giving this offense any room. I am not going to let it sour my day. They hurt you once, don’t let them continue to hurt you by holding on to the offense. Being offended is not harming them, it’s harming you.  It’s taking up the space you need for the good things that move you towards your destiny. You wake up in the morning and thoughts of worry comes.  How are you going to pay your bills? What if the medical reports are not good? you’ll never get out of this problem.  Don’t allow that in. Don’t make the mistake of dwelling on it. Just say no thanks I know that God is in control. Take inventory of what you giving space to. life is too short to go through it with negative things holding us down. Don’t go around with bitter jealousy and self-pity that will poison your life The reason some people are not young and strong I don’t mean just young physically, but young in the spirit vibrant, and passionate about life is because they are filled with negative.  Worry will make you weak. living stressed out will make you old give you wrinkles, and take your passion.  Being bitter, angry, and resentful will shorten your life. The proverb says “A relaxed attitude lengthens life. You can be 80 years old and young at heart. Your spirit never ages. Empty yourself of the negativity and God will fill your life with peace joy and happiness.  Be happy for others when you see them get a promotion, and forgive those who hurt you. Trust in God in times of difficult situations. By worrying do you think your problems can get resolved? then why are you wasting time? Be relaxed instead and seek ways to the solution of your problems. Ask God for guidance. Remember nothing is permanent.


  What are the symptoms of negative energy in a body?

 Stress can destroy your body’s hormone balance, impair the immune system, and drain your positive brain chemicals.  Negative energy in the form of poorly expressed anger can cause dysfunction of the heart and digestive system.


         How do you get rid of negativity?

         Several habits increase your resilience to stress, including



Take care of yourself, focus on gratitude, be kind to others, work hard and surround yourself with positive influences.


          What is the 5 mental poison?

    The five mental poisons are

1.       Attachment

2.       Aversion

3.       Ignorance

4.       Pride

5.       Jealousy


           The main 3 extreme poisons are




           Tips to let go of things

·         Create physical distance

·         Do your work

·         Practice mindfulness

·         Be gentle with yourself

·         Allow the negative emotion to flow out

·         Accept that the other person may not apologize

·         Engage in self-care.

                5 ways to overcome mental suffering

                Identify and acknowledge the suffering.  Many people keep running away from sorrow because they don’t dare to face it.

·         Meditation

·         Express compassion

·         Understand that nothing is born or lost

·         Acknowledge that nothing is permanent.


Ways to help revive your positive energy

1.       Enjoy nature

2.       Perform random acts of kindness

3.       Develop an attitude of gratitude

4.       Take a mental break

5.       Laugh (watch any comedian shows)

6.       Hang around with positive people

7.       Look for the silver lining immediately

Simple ways you can rewire your brain to be happier according to science

a.       Practice gratitude (just like with a musical instrument…

b.       Get more sleep

c.       Think about your accomplishments

d.       Make a decision

e.       Give a hug or get massage therapy.

How can one attract positive vibes?

Ø  Pay attention to the energy you emitting

Ø  Change the tone of your thoughts

Ø  Disconnect with negative influences

Ø  Embrace compassion and kindness.

Here are some tips to get you started that can help you train your brain on how to think positively.

1.       focus on the good things

2.       practice gratitude

3.       keep a gratitude journal

4.       practice positive self-talk

5.       identify your areas of negativity.

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