October 12, 2024




Mathew chapter 10


Today I will summarize chapter 10 where Jesus gave authority to his 12 disciples to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and every sickness.  Jesus gathered his twelve disciples and spoke to them.  Their names were Simon (called Peter), and his brother Andrew; James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee; Philip and Batholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector, James, son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the patriot, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus.   Jesus sent out the disciples with the following instructions.  Don’t go to any gentile territory or any Samaritan towns.  Go only to the lost sheep of the people of Israel. Preached to them that the kingdom of is nearby! Heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, heal those who suffer from dreaded skin disease and drive out demons. You have received without paying so give without being paid. Don’t acquire any money or take anything with you.  A worker should be given what he needs. When you go to a town or village, look for someone willing to welcome you.  When you enter a house, say,” peace be with you”. If they do not welcome you then take back, you’re greeting. Jesus said I am sending you all out as sheep among wolves. You must be as cautious as serpents and as gentle as a dove. Men everywhere will be your enemies.  They will hand you over to the courts, whip you and arrest you and persecute you.  They will kill you. Remember no pupil is greater than his teacher and no slave is greater than his master.  You will know you are on the right path if these things happen but don’t worry about anything.  The holy spirit will help you speak the right words.  For the words you speak will come from the spirit of your father. Fathers will betray their sons and children will rise against their parents and cause them to be put to death.  Almost everyone will hate you because of my name but don’t worry.  The one who has endured to the end will be saved.  Jesus continued that when you get persecuted in one city flee to the next city and preach the word.  You will not finish teaching my message in all the cities of Israel before I come back.  Most people hate me so they will hate you.  Don’t fear them though.  People will try to kill you and succeed in many cases but be glad. Don’t fear the person who can kill your body but cannot kill your soul.  Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.  All hairs on your head are numbered.  God counted them all.  He cares for you. Don’t worry about your life. Jesus said everyone who confesses me before men I will confess him before my father who is in heaven.  Whoever denies me before men I will also deny him before my father who is in heaven.  Don’t think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.  No, indeed I came to reconcile God and man.  But among people, I came to bring a sword and division.   I came to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother.  A man’s enemies will be the members of his household.  Whoever loves father or mother or son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.  Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.  Whoever loses his life in this world for my sake will find eternal life in the next.  Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.  Whoever welcomes God’s messenger because he is God’s messenger, will share in his reward.



The thing I think the lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that he said all Christians will have a hard life but one will be well worth it in the end.  God said that many Christians will be imprisoned, whipped, persecuted, and killed.  God said that all Christians will be hated by most people.  The Lord said that Christians will have enemies in their household and would be even betrayed by those closest to them.  God wants us to see that Christians should not fear death because he will bring their souls through that event unharmed.  But people should fear God who can destroy both body and soul in hell.  God wants us to understand that Christians should love him above all else. God told us that we would have a hard life if we are Christians.  Do you think it was going o be easy? Did you realize that Jesus said he did not come to bring peace on the earth but a sword of division? But all the strife and division would be worth it in the end.  If you love Jesus above all else.  Why don’t you consider repenting for your sins and turn to the lord for salvation?



Dear Lord,

Thank you for all the things that you have done in my life.  Thank you for always being there, guiding, and protecting me.  Help me to learn how to fear you, respect you and honor you.  Help me to serve you with all my heart, faithfully.  Lord, help me to recognize and worship you for all the things that you have done and are continuing to do every single day of my life.  Lord, please teach me to walk in obedience with you. Give me the grace to love and serve you with all my heart, mind, and soul.  Let me always hate evil. help me never be troubled by any problem of this world.  Let my heart be always at rest.  Lead me into the life that is in you.  Fill me with your great peace.  In Jesus’s name, I pray.  Amen


Be strong, Be strong. when storms arise.  The closer you are to the Lord.  It will get rougher and rougher.  But be still.  Do not fall. The breadth in your body is stronger than any other will. Because it’s the breadth of the spirit of the lord flowing in through you.


My life is in you, Lord. My strength is in you, lord.

My Hope is in you, lord. In You, It’s in you.  I will praise you with all of my heart.  I will praise you with all of my strength.  With all of my heart, with all of my strength.  All of my hope is in you.

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