October 16, 2024


The New Testament


Matthew Chapter 5


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 5 where Jesus taught the crowds and his disciples.  Jesus went up the side of the hill and started teaching the large crowd that was there. He started teaching them about the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus said things like blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, those who are gentle, those who hunger for righteousness, the merciful in heart, and the peacemakers who will see the kingdom of God and will inherit the earth and will be comforted. They will be satisfied and they will receive mercy. They will be called sons of God and see God’s face personally. Blessed, are those who have been and will be persecuted for the sake of righteousness. Be very glad when people insult and persecute you and falsely say evil things against you for my sake.  Great is your reward in heaven.  Jesus continued teaching the people and his disciples. You are the salt of the earth. If the salt has become tasteless it is no longer good for anything and will be thrown out. You will be thrown out if you lose your saltiness.  You are the light of the world.  You must let your light shine before all men.  They will see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven.  Jesus said Don’t think I came to abolish the law of Moses or anything the prophet said. No, I came to fulfill all the law and all the prophecies.  Until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest detail shall be deleted from the law until all is accomplished.  If any one of my followers pretends that even one of the least commandments does not apply to them and they teach others to do the same they will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever keeps my commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  Jesus taught the people. You heard Moses teach the ancients about the laws.  I am changing these laws and making them more stringent.  Moses said that you shall not commit murder but I tell you whoever is angry with his brother and calls him a fool will be guilty enough to be thrown into the fires of hell.  If you present an offering before or remember that someone else has something against you. Leave your offering and be reconciled with that person immediately.   Then you offer your gifts to God.  If someone is dragging you to court make friends quickly with them and avoid going before the judge. If you go you may be thrown into prison for a very long time.  You heard Mosses say that you will not commit adultery.  But I tell you whoever looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery in his heart.  If your eyes and hand cause you to sin remove them from yourself. It is much better to lose a body part in this life than for your whole body and soul to be thrown into the lake of fire.  You heard that Moses said that you can divorce your wife /husband by giving him/her a certificate of divorce.  But I tell you whoever divorces his wife/ husband and remarry someone else except for the reason of unchastity that person commits adultery not only that they make their former wife/husband commit adultery and the person who remarries him/her too.  Jesus taught you have heard Moses give you the command you shall not make false vows but you must fulfill all the vows made to the lord.  But I tell you make no oath at all.  Don’t make an oath by heaven because it’s God’s throne.  Don’t make one swear by the earth because it is God’s footstool. Don’t swear by your head.  You cannot make even one hair white or black.  Let your yes be yes and no be no and anything beyond these words is evil.  You heard Moses say an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Let me explain If someone insults you by slapping you in the face offer him the other check as well. Someone wants to sue you for your shirt give him your court too. If someone forces you to carry their things one mile go two miles. If someone asks you for something give it to them. If someone wants to borrow something from you lend it to them.  Mosses said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemies but I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.   Then you will you be sons of your Father in heaven.  He causes good things to happen to the wicked and the righteous on the earth.   You must be just like him.  You must be perfect just like your heavenly father is perfect.



The thing I think God wants us to understand is that we should be poor in spirit. We should mourn.  We should be meek, hungry, and thirst for righteousness.  We should be merciful and pure in heart and we should be peacemakers.  God wants us to see that we will get rewards when we have been persecuted for Jesus’s sake.  We should not disregard God’s commands but obey and teach others to do as well.  God wants us to understand that Jesus had the authority to change the laws. But he made the laws more stringent.  Jesus not only focused on the person’s actions. He also focused on the motive of their hearts and he will judge us based on those motives   God wants us to understand that he commanded us to be perfect just like he is perfect. Most of the things that Jesus Christ said in this chapter are exactly the opposite of everything the world tells us to do and say, God, told us to be perfect just like he is perfect. How is that possible when no one is perfect? Jesus Christ is willing to give us that perfection.



We should put away our pride and accept his gift. we should consider repenting for our sins and turn to the lord for salvation today.  We all can keep our lives pure by obeying the lord’s commandments and by keeping his law in our hearts so that we don’t sin against him. With all our hearts we should try to love and serve him.



Lord, I humbly ask you to open my eyes so that I may see the wonderful truths in your laws. Teach me your ways and help me to understand your laws. Explain your laws to me and I will obey them.  I will meditate on your wonderful teachings. Keep me obedient to your commandments.  Give me the desire to obey your laws rather than to get rich. Keep me from going the wrong way and stop paying attention to what is worthless.  Enable me to speak the truth at all times. I will meditate on your instructions. I have chosen to be obedient and to follow you. I ask this in the name of your beloved son our lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.



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