October 16, 2024


New Testament


Matthew Chapter 1


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 1 where Matthew documented the family line of Jesus and gave details surrounding Jesus’s birth. Mathew documented the generations and started with Abraham. He went through the list stating Abraham was the father of Issac and Issac was the father of Jacob. Then Mathew singled out Judah Perez Herzon Ram etc. and worked down to king David.  From there he detailed other generations until he reached Jesus. From Abraham to David there were fourteen generations. From King David to when the Jews were deported to Babylon, there were fourteen generations; from the deportation to Babylon to Jesus the Messiah, there were fourteen generations.  Matthew wrote about the historical facts surrounding the birth of Jesus in this chapter.  He wrote that Mary and Joseph were engaged to be married. Before they had sexual relations Mary was going to conceive.  Joseph was crushed when he found out because he thought Mary was cheating on him. He was a good and God-fearing man and always did what was right. He did not want to shame Mary. He decided to break the engagement quietly.  During that night while he slept an angel of the Lord appeared and spoke to him in his dream. Don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife because by the Holy Spirit she has conceived. You will understand how this happened later. For now, you must trust the Lord.  Mary will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus. He will save his people from their sins. This is a fulfillment of the prophecy from Isaiah stating that everyone will know when the Messiah will come because a virgin woman will give birth to him and he will be called Immanuel which means God with us. Joseph woke up startled but understood clearly what God commanded him to do. So, Joseph obeyed without asking any questions. He got married to Mary as instructed and did not have sexual relations with her until and after Jesus was born.



The thing I observed that the lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that he has complete control over the timing of everything as seen by the 14 generation periods of his plan.  God wants us to see that many people in ancient times messed and sinned against the Lord and God still used them for his glory. God also wants us to see that he stirred one of the prophets to write an incredible prophecy.  The prophet Isaiah prophesied that a virgin will give birth to the Messiah and Matthew recorded the fulfillment of that prophecy when he wrote about Jesus Christ being born of a virgin woman.




Did you already mess up in life? God has a habit of using broken people to do great things.

Do you doubt the story of the virgin birth of Jesus? Ask yourself.

Is anything too hard for God? Of course not.  He can do whatever he wants anytime he wants. Why don’t we consider repenting for our sins and turn to Lord for salvation today? Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross in place of us for you and me. The father raised Jesus from the dead. God said that if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is lord and if we believe in our hearts that the father raised Jesus from the dead we would be saved.  We should also be obedient to our father and not question him Why? But trust in him.


God is our creator. He can make all things new again. His time is always perfect. He knows what’s best for us. He is our father.  Let us not rely on our own thinking and other sources for help but call upon his name.  (JESUS)



 Let us pray: Father look kindly upon us so that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will which is love and mercy itself. Change my heart Oh Lord and make me a new person. Heal my broken places. Heal me physically, mentally, and spiritually. Fill me with your sweet presence every day I ask this in the name of your beloved son our lord Jesus Christ Amen.



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