October 16, 2024



Mathew Chapter 3


Today I will summarize chapter 3 where Matthew wrote about John the Baptist’s ministry and the baptism of Jesus in the water.  John the Baptist preached in the wilderness.  He wore camel skin and his food was locusts and wild honey.  John preached that people everywhere must repent for their sins because the kingdom of heaven was at hand and make the path straight for him.  Everyone must ask the lord for forgiveness for their many offenses and rebelling against him.  Many people came to listen to John’s preaching.  They came from all over the area of Jerusalem, Judea, and all around the Jordan river, where he baptized people who repented for their sins.  Matthew identified John as the person that the prophet Isaiah wrote about.  He said that there will be a messenger crying in the wilderness telling everyone about the coming of the Messiah.  And this person according to Matthew was John the Baptist.  Many of the Pharisees and the Sadducees were listening to John the Baptist preaching and baptizing.  When John saw them, he was annoyed and said you brood of vipers who told you that you could flee from God’s wrath?  Your life must bear fruit and you must prove that you have truly repented of your sins by changing your ways.  You must not rely on your birthright to be saved.  God can raise children from the very rocks of this river to be Abraham’s children.  He wants you to repent. Anyone who does not repent and bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.  John the Baptist continued speaking to the religious leaders. I baptize you with water after you repent for your sin. But the one who comes after me is much more powerful and greater.  I am not worthy to even remove his sandals from his feet.   He will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire.  He plans to gather his people into his barn and he will burn the rest with unquenchable heat in the lake of fire.  Suddenly Jesus came walking up the path where John was baptizing the people.   John looked at Jesus and said that’s him. He is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  Jesus walked up to John and said with a smile” baptize me.”   John was shocked and said I ought to be baptized by you. How can you ask me to baptize you?   Jesus said permit this to happen in this way we will fulfill all that God requires. John baptized Jesus and immersed his whole body in the Jordan river.  As soon as Jesus came out of the water the heavens were opened and the holy spirit descended like a dove and rested on Jesus.  A great voice from heaven said this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.  Everyone around him witnessed these sights and sounds and was amazed.






The thing I think the lord wants us to understand after reading this is that John the Baptist preached repentance and baptized people in the water.   Jesus taught repentance and baptism with the holy spirit and fire and he is still doing that today.  He wants us to understand that repentance is a key aspect of salvation.  God wants us to see that all three persons of the Holy Trinity that’s God the father God the son and God the Holy Spirit were present at the baptism of Jesus Christ.  Many people eye-witnessed this situation.




Do you believe in the Holy Trinity? Have you heard the call to repent and turn from your sins? I humbly request to don’t waste time. Ask for forgiveness and repent. Our loving father will forgive you.  But after the lord has forgiven us, we should try not to repeat those mistakes.  And change our way of living to show that we have repented of our sins.  When Jesus said go your sins are forgiven.  He also said do not sin again.  Always keep praying so that you don’t fall into temptations.  The best time to pray is 2 am or 3 am in morning. Many will say I come tired from work and I am exhausted etc.  Let me tell you the devil doesn’t waste time. He is already getting prepared to attack. But when you pray at that time Abba’s father listens to you and puts a protective shield around you.  Look at the Hindus and the Muslims. They are so active and persistent whether they are praying or fasting for a God that is not even real.  We Children of God have the advantage because we worship a true God.  But we are so busy with our earthly lives and lifestyle whether work schedules, parties, hangouts, television shows, or gossiping about people.  Do you think that is going to help? Jesus always prayed to the father before doing anything. Have you ever faced a situation where you were remembered by your people only when they needed something from you and once got it and never looked back at you?  It may annoy some of you but this is true. We call upon the lord only when we are in trouble or when we want something. Afterward, we get back to normal life even without thanking the lord for all the blessings and remembering him.  How would Our father feel? He is a living God. Jesus is a Gentleman. He doesn’t force anyone. He knocks at your door very gently. And askes you can I come in? spend a quiet moment with yourself and remember the times when we ignored and did not open the door for the lord.  Give God the first priority in your, life, and repent before it’s too late. Most importantly to be forgiven you must also learn to forgive others who have hurt you. When you forgive others then God will forgive you.  Believe me, brothers and sisters you feel a sudden peace in your heart and mind. This is my personal experience.  The devil doesn’t want you to forgive. He wants you to be his slave by keeping malice in your heart and burning with a feeling of hatred. Set yourself free.



O my God my redeemer, Behold, me here at thy feet from the bottom of my heart I am sorry for all my sins which I have committed knowingly or unknowingly in thoughts words, and deeds. I am sorry Holy spirit for hurting you too. I will try my level best not to sin anymore.  God Jesus, I have forgiven everyone who has hurt me including my family members. (husband /wife/children etc.) I also forgive anyone who has done evil against me. (name)

I do forgive myself and I want to be healed. Touch me lord heal me. I ask this in the mighty name of your beloved son our lord Jesus Christ. Amen.



Note: sometimes you know why we don’t get deliverance because of our egos. We have grudges against one another. We have not forgiven ourselves for past mistakes. Your vessel has to be empty and clean before you fill it with fresh water. The same is with God’s blessings. We need to empty ourselves and like small children humble ourselves then only will blessings and deliverance come. Evil and Good can’t stay together in your house.  The decision is yours. You want God or you want evil.

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