October 12, 2024

Trust in Lord and Memories words,

1 Samuel 30:4-6-

So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. David’s
two wives had been captured—Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of
Nabal of Carmel. David
was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each
one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.

We may be in the situation Life is Fight we all are in the
middle of Fight.

  • Fighting to clear credit cards bills.
  • Fighting for school fee.
  • Fighting to keep marriage away from divorce.
  • Fighting to keep children safe.
  • Fighting to get to work.
  • Fighting to buy a Home/Car.
  • Fighting to get promotion.
  • Fighting to get healed.
  • Fighting to raised children. 
  • Fighting for come home.

These are just examples we have many more fight’s.

David was at fighting all time he was at battle and he won

all the battles.  He was at the break of
giving up, When the gate of hell is open against us we are at the battle-to
save ourselves.

The people who has promised you to be with you have been
left, The point where David was many of you may be. Just read what the David did
at this point- David encouraged him self
in the situation
when everyone left him, and his family was captured.

Remember No one can encourage you- Mom/Dad/wife/Husband no
one can encourage you. You have to do it, you must encourage yourself.  You will have to stand yourself and will have
to talk to yourself.

I are the child of God, I can do it, This situation can not
stop me, bad situation is always from Satan to stop you being prosper.

this word- 1
John 4:4Because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is

in the world.

Everyone around you may give up as happened with David, but

what God says- Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world, you
need to have understanding that the people who has given up they are not build up
like you. (Greater is he that is in me
than he that is in the world

I will get threw from this no one can Stop me, When you don’t
have any hope everything is against you, no one is to support you, you are all
alone, No hope than do not be dismay, you need to encourage yourself, The God
Yahova will move in to action and he will strengthen you (David
found strength in the Lord his God) because David encouraged himself in his own
ability he could understand from where his source of power is coming, he
encouraged himself in the Lord, we do spend our a lots of time in past mistakes,
defeat failure.

Remind your self when you are in battle whom do you

Deuteronomy-3-I pleaded with the Lord at

that time, ‘Lord God, you’ve begun to show your greatness and your
strong power to your servant. For what god in heaven or on earth can equal your
works and mighty deeds

You are not to

fear them, because the Lord your God will
fight for you.’

Romans-8-In all these

things we are triumphantly victorious due to the one who loved us.

Ephesians 6- Finally, be strong in the Lord, relying on his

mighty strength. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to
stand firm against the Devil’s strategies.

Isaiah 54-

no weapon that is forged against you will be effective. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, and their righteousness from me, says the Lord.

We all have one Major problem same was spoken by Lord
Jesus in a simple sentence- see below: –

Matthew 22-You are mistaken because you don’t know the Scriptures or God’s power, 

That is the Foundation of the problems, we do not know
the scriptures, why we should have certain bible verses to memories in the hearts
all time, in some situation you would not have a chance to open the Bible. However,
you have the scripture so you can whisper to yourself as I do in troubles-

No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

Speak the word of God according the situation you are
going through and memories the word of God and keep encouraging yourself in God
Lord Jesus/Yahova.  Encourage yourself
every morning, every time.

Memories the below scripture for the day at Morning time-

Deuteronomy 33:25-

May your bolts be made of iron and bronze, and may
your strength be sufficient for each day you live.

The bigger problem the bigger strength god will give you,
if you are ill remembering

Psalm-118- I will not die, but I will live to
recount the deeds of the Lord,

I would suggest you not to believe in people they will leave
in the bad situation, encourage yourself in Lord as David did, You have the
Loving God who is ready to help you in every situation and nothing is impossible
for him.

Remember scriptures

Talk to Lord everyday

He has plans to prosper you not to harm you.

Regardless the situation you are he is with you and has a
hope to prosper you

Psalm 30:5- Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy
comes with the morning

He will save you from all the situation he has all the
power he is supreme God. Just have faith do not be weak he is your strength, whoever
is weak they will get the power,

Do not lose hope he can turn the time, he is in You, he
lives in your Body.

All the pending works will be done, have faith in LORD.

God Bless You AMEM

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