October 10, 2024


Ephesians 2:6

  • And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus

Ephesians 1:3

  • Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Question: – We are where?

Answer:  God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus

We are seated in heaven with Christ in heaven near the Lord God creator of this world, how beautiful word and fact is this we are not simple at all we are very close to Lord God,

I am so Glad to read this verse and always thanks to Holy-Spirit/Jesus for revealing me this. We are in this world for little time but in spirit we are in heaven seated besides of Lord God,

We are tenant here in this world, I do think how Satan can possess people when they are in heaven with Lord. Bible says God raised up with Christ: Do you trust in Christ? If you trust in Christ do you follow Christ?

To know this, we must look at Jesus Life:

  • He never abused any one,
  • He never beaten any one
  • He never speaks evil
  • He always trusted in Lord full of heart
  • He was Pure and Holy
  • He followed Lord’s words
  • He allowed God will to be done
  • He prayed every day
  • He never complaint but forgiven to those who done evil against him.
  • He always listens of Spirit (not Flesh)

Have we followed the Jesus? If yes, he says follow my commandants, We have been consider Holy because Jesus died for our sins and we are forgiven ,we have been allowed to sit with God in heavenly places in body of Christ.

Jesus is Holy that’s why he is there However we are still under control of Flesh, I would say we must break/weak our Flesh to make our soul strong,  To weaken the flesh we need to keep our body hungry for the very things body is asking, ( No need to be ill at all)

I was also following Flesh,

  • Wanted to have Physical Relationship
  • Wanted to eat every possible thing.
  • Watched all king of Movies, listen songs
  • Lazy, No more prayer.
  • Always thinking for Money to live Luxury life, etc.,

To break this, I had to fast for 21 days (Morning 6 to evening 6) and it worked I was more aware of wrong this, I was doing my life before, Everything I do was awesome for me however as I started more fasting breaking the flesh, My spirit awake and I came to know that this is not good,

This happens in everyone’s life I believe the things looks you good or make you satisfied it is not actually, that is the Satan trick to keep you away from Truth, If any one of you are following this I would say awake now and start Fasting for next 7 days and you would see the changes, let your spirit be strong,

First I came to know the songs which I do listen and dance, what are the words of the Song,  This was told me by Holy-spirit after fasting and I was surprised when I listed this carefully all was against the bible words which is God’ breathed, very same day I removed all the songs and downloaded all God’s songs.

Example: if songs says I love you more than me (God says you should love me with all your heart, As God loved us and gave his only son) There are many more words,

Once you would follow the Christ and would follow his commandments you would receive the same power which Jesus used in earth, The Holy-Spirit and demons will be scared of you.

One day I went to my Home town and My Aunty (Cousin sister of My father) came and told us the issue was going on her family, They told us our children are fighting and thrown us out of house, I want to die can not bear it, She has 3 sons and 3 daughters all were fighting she was very upset, We all went there and talked everyone wanted to know why you all are Fighting,

Holy-Spirit told me nothing is Good here my son, Then I blessed the water and gave her to drink and Spirit shown me something wrong is here I saw black shadows up on her, So my Mom started praying and they were singing song so I went inside and said thanks to Lord Jesus, at very Moment demon appeared on My aunty and said I had to be revealed because you are here and the word was very respective for me. I asked how many are you, Replied: 15 and in Jesus name we asked this demon to leave and suddenly other one appeared on My aunt’s daughter in law, and That demon Spoke to me: No black magician could know about me no one can reveal me I am so powerful, However I had to be revealed here because of you sir, So i said should I sprink the blood of Jesus on you, He scared and said NOOOOOO.

Actually, there were noting in my hand Palm except Trust. I could not see the Lord but he was with me at very Moment that is why demons were weak and surrounded by God’s holy angels.  God is the God of all Flesh, in heaven/earth/ and under the earth.

Faith is sufficient to know that God is with us, He said I would surround you with Fire and spirit of the Lord (himself God lives in us)

I am not the special one for God or I do not have senior or Junior spirit this is the same spirit who is working since the earth was formed.  

Once you would start fasting and Praying same spirit would work for you, Your flesh would we weak and you would listen the Holy-Ghost, and power would come to you.’

Then you would feel really I am now sitting besides of Lord God with Jesus Body, Try to be Pure and Keep Purity, It is not too hard for you.

Remember God said: I would pour out my Spirit on all flesh.

If you have Flesh so you have Holy Spirit.

Your body is house and some one lived in your body beside your soul: – You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. (1John 4:4)

No matter what comes against you You can defeat any one, any situation,

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

2 Corinthians 12:9-But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Note: That day I came to know fight is very Important, My aunt’s family was in Trouble because of unseen demons.  (God is on your side who can be against you) same verses was truly came to me those 15 demons could not do any-thing except follow my order, every powerful demon would be under your feet, God said this:- The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.( Roaman 16:20)

God Bless you more and more in Jesus Name Amen,

Best yet to come.

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