October 16, 2024



Matthew chapter 2


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 2 where Matthew documented the story of the wise men. Matthew described the birth of Jesus. Many wise men came from the East. Some of the wise men who studied the stars came to Jerusalem and went to king Herod asking him where is the baby born to be the king of the Jews. We have discerned the proper time when the Messiah would come to earth from the movement of the stars and have come to worship him.  Herod was supposed to be the king and he did not like the idea of a competitor and was upset. So, Herod gathered all the chief priests and teachers of the law and asked them where is the Messiah supposed to be born. The chief priest told Herod that the prophet wrote that the Messiah will be born in a town in Bethlehem in Judea.  King Herod called the visitors from the east to a secret meeting and found out the exact time the star had appeared. Then he sent them with these instructions. when you find the child born to be the king of the Jews come back and tell me his address so that I may go and worship him too. The wise men went on their way. On their way, they saw a big star shining brightly and followed the star and they were overjoyed.  They finally found Jesus, laying in the stable wrapped in cloth with his mother Mary and Joseph the father and they bowed down and worshipped him. They brought out their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  They were so happy to finally see the king of Israel with their own eyes.  Now when the wise men decided to go back to their country. They were warned by an angel not to go back to king Herod. Because he is plotting to kill Jesus. So, the wise men decided to sneak out to their country through another route so that no one could find them. When King Herod realized that the wise men had tricked him. He became furious and gave the order to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its neighborhood who were two years old and younger.  This was done by what he had learned from the visitors about the time when the star had appeared. An angel of the Lord had appeared in a dream to Joseph and said take the child and the mother and escape to Egypt and stay there until I instruct you to leave because Herod is in search of Jesus to be killed. Joseph obeyed the instruction given to him and left for Egypt immediately where he stayed until Herod died. He was given more guidance on what to do next. and this is how the prophecy of a prophet came true.” I called my son out of Egypt”. An angel of the lord appeared in another dream and spoke to Joseph while he was still in Egypt with his family. He said all those who were plotting to kill Jesus are now dead. Get up and go back to Israel. I want you to go to a place named Nazareth in the district of Galilee. Joseph obeyed the angel and took his family to Nazareth. This fulfilled another prophecy stating that Jesus Christ would be called a Nazarene. 




 I think the lord wants us to see and understand after reading this chapter that king Herod and his obedient soldiers killed many children trying to get to Jesus.  God protected Jesus and he also implemented swift justice on the murderers.  Sometimes he is patient but other times he drops the hammer of justice quickly.  God wants us to see that he used angels to communicate to wise men and Joseph in dreams.   He wants us to see that numerous prophecies were fulfilled with the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ fulfilled all the prophecies about the coming Messiah.  He didn’t abandon them but protected them.



Dear brothers and sisters, we should put down our guard and surrender to the lord Today.  We should repent for our sins and turn to the lord. H for salvation.  He is our protector, our refuge, and our fortress. Jesus left heaven and came to live as a perfect man died a perfect death and was perfectly raised from the dead. He did that for you and me. With this holy sacrifice, Jesus made it possible once again for us to reconcile with God and be called his children.  His plans are perfect. Talk to the father. Tell him your problems and not to people.  He will guide you through the problems. Come to me all of you who are heavy laden. I will give you rest. For my plans is not to harm you but to prosper you.



Father, you are a rock and fortress to us.  Help us in remaining steadfast in you, for you are our shield and buckler. Please keep us safe from any harm during the day and night that comes our way and surround us with your angels. Please protect us from our foes by covering us with your wings. Keep us safe from all illness and injuries. Fill us with your love and faithfulness and remove whatever uncertainties we may be feeling. I have asked this in the mighty name of your son our lord Jesus Christ Amen. 

Read every day psalm 121, 91,

For peace and guidance and to trust him completely in difficult moments psalm 23 and 25.

To be obedient to him in times of temptation and trials psalm 119 verses 9-16, 25-32, and 33-46

 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path”.

The word of God is an elixir to live. Repeat this and see the word of God live in your life.  They are not just empty words. But the power to defeat Satan and his dark forces and watch them flee.  Prayer is the master key.

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