October 12, 2024





Matthew chapter 13


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 13 where Jesus taught the people and his disciples with more parables or short stories and where Jesus went to Nazareth where he grew up.  Jesus’ disciples asked him why do you always teach us with parables.  Jesus answered and said I do this as a test.  Some people will understand what I am talking about when I speak in parables but most people will not understand.  This is what the prophet Isaiah wrote about when he said you will keep hearing but will never understand.  You will keep seeing but never perceive. Your heart has become dull.  You intentionally close your eyes because you don’t want to see or hear the truth.   But if you did hear and see and turn from your wickedness you would understand and I would heal you.  Jesus then taught his parables.  He said the Sower went out to sow. As he went some of the seed fell beside the road and the birds came and took the seed away.  Some seeds fell on the rocks where there was not much soil.  They sprouted immediately but then were scorched by the sun and withered because they did not have strong roots.  Other seeds fell on the thorns and the thorns choked them out after they sprouted but other seeds fell on good soil and produced many crops.  Jesus told another parable.  The kingdom of heaven can be compared to a man who sowed a good seed in his field.  While he was sleeping his enemies snuck in and sowed the seeds of weeds in his field.  When everything sprouted, the workers noticed this and told the man.   The man knew an enemy did this.  The servants asked do you want us to pull up all the weeds?  The man said no.  He said you will pull up the good wheat with the weeds.  I don’t want any good wheat lost.  Wait until they all mature together then you can separate them.  Separate the wheat from the weeds and after putting all my wheat in my barn.  Burn the weeds with unquenchable fire.  Jesus continued that the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed.  It is the smallest of all the garden plant seeds but when it is grown it is the largest.  The kingdom of heaven is like a leaven where a woman hid a little flour after time it was all leavened.  The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field that was for sale.  A man found the treasure hid it again and joyfully sold everything that he had to get enough money to buy that field.  The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls after finding an exceedingly rare and valuable one he sold everything he had and bought that pearl.  The kingdom of heaven is like a net cast into the sea. The net caught every kind of fish. The good fish was put into buckets but the bad fish were thrown into the garbage.  After Jesus finished teaching the crowds his disciples came up to him and said Lord, we don’t understand your parables.  You tell us what they mean.  Jesus said he would explain to them what the three of them meant.  Jesus said if someone hears the gospel of the kingdom and does not understand it.  Satan comes and snatches away the word in his heart.  This is the seed sown by the road that the birds came and ate.  The seed fallen on a rocky road represents a man who hears the word and immediately accepts it with joy but he has no root.  When affliction and persecution come, he falls away.  The one that grows and the thorns is a person who accepts the word but then the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke out the word and he is unfruitful.  The one that was sown on the good soil is the man who hears the word, understands it, and bears much fruit.  As for the parable of the tares, I am the one who sows the good seed in the field.  Good seed is the sons of the kingdom, my children.  The tares are the children of Satan.  The enemy is the devil.  The harvest is the end of this age.  I will send my angels to gather all the evil people out of the world and I will throw them into the lake of fire to burn forever.  Then my righteous children will shine forth as the sun in the heavenly father’s kingdom.  As for the parable of the net in the sea at the end of the age, the angels at my command will pluck the wicked up and will throw them into the lake of fire, and my children will inherit eternal life and will be with me forever.  When Jesus finished teaching these things to the people and the disciple he departed and went to his hometown called Nazareth.  He went to the synagogue and started teaching there.  All the people who were there were astonished.  They said where did Jesus get this wisdom and this power to do miracles isn’t this Joseph the carpenter’s son?  Isn’t his mother named Mary?  Does he not have four brothers named James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? Aren’t all of his sisters here with us and they took offense at him?  Jesus told them a prophet is respected everywhere except in his hometown and his own house.  Jesus did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.    




The thing I think the lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus taught clearly and plainly about the lake of fire.  Remember Hell and the lake of fire are different.  In Revelation, the Bible records that hell and death were cast into the lake of fire.  God wants us to see that there is something much more horrific than hell.  Jesus taught clearly that he will have the authority and will give the order to his angels to capture the wicked and throw them there.  God wants us to see that the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth has the capability of choking out a real Christian and the lord wants us to see that we would be very glad when we see sell everything, we have regarding our own life to buy the kingdom of God. Metaphorically speaking perhaps literally in some cases.  God is a God of love but he is also a God of Justice.  Did you realize just how much Jesus taught about the lake of fire which is even more terrifying than hell?  He taught us over and over that perhaps we could one day listen and understand.  Why don’t you pray that your eyes would be opened?  Why don’t you repent for your sin and turn to the Lord for salvation?  Jesus conquered hell and death. 



Father God, you made it clear that if we walk in obedience, we will live a full life with you.  Being obedient will cause an overflow of abundant blessings in our lives.  Remind us heavenly father that disobedience is a form of rebellion towards you and as you have clearly stated If we reject you and your word you will reject us from your heavenly kingdom. How I can keep my life pure? By obeying your commands. With all my heart I will try and serve you.  Keep me from disobeying your commandments.  I will keep your law in my heart so that I may not sin against you.  Teach me your ways and help me to understand your laws and I will meditate on your wonderful teachings.  Strengthened me as you have promised and keep me from going the wrong way, explain your law to me and I will obey it.  I have chosen to be obedient and obey your commandments.  Give me the desire to obey your laws rather than to get rich and keep me from paying attention to what is worthless.  Enable me to speak the truth at all times.  I make this prayer in the name of your most beloved son our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.


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