October 16, 2024




Matthew chapter 14


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 14 where John the Baptist was beheaded, where Jesus fed about 15,000 people, and where Jesus walked on the water.  Herod had John the Baptist arrested and thrown in prison because of his mistress Herodias.  Herodias was Herod’s brother Philips’s wife but now she was living with Herod.  John the Baptist was a very bold preacher.  He would tell the people straightforwardly that they are sinning and that they need to repent because they were sinning against God.  Many people got offended and they thought that he was being judgemental.   Herodias was one of them.  She did not like to be told that she was doing anything wrong. John the Baptist repeatedly told Herod and Herodias that living together was wrong and that she was not Herod’s wife.  He told them that they were committing adultery and it was a sin and had broken the sixth commandment.   This made Herodias very angry.  Herod was also angry but not as furious as Herodias.  She asked Herod to arrest and kill John for making such a statement.  Herod arrested John at her request but was afraid to put John to death because he feared that the crowd considered John a Prophet and they would rise and rebel.  Herod’s birthday came and the daughter of Herodias danced for him.  She danced beautifully before Herod and his guests.  Herod was very pleased and in return for this dance, Herod promised the girl anything she wanted as a reward in front of all the visitors.  The girl did not know how to respond so she consulted her mother Herodias.  Herodias found an opportunity to get what she wanted.  So, she asked her daughter to ask Herod for John the Baptist’s head on the platter and give it to her.  The daughter did just as she was instructed by her mother.  Herod was a little disappointed and helpless because of his oath in front of the guests.  So, he ordered the executioner to go to prison and have John beheaded.  John’s head was bought on a platter and given to the daughter and the daughter gave it to her mother.  Her mother smiled and enjoyed the moment of revenge.  John’s disciples heard about the murder and retrieved the remaining body and buried it and reported this event to Jesus.  When Jesus heard about John’s murder he got into a boat and try to go to a secluded place. When all the crowds and his disciples saw him leave, they estimated where he would land the boat.  They followed him to that place and met Jesus when he reached the shore.  Jesus felt compassion for the crowds and taught them.  He also healed many people who were sick as usual.  When evening came Jesus’s disciples came to him and it was late and we are out in the middle of nowhere. Send the crowds to the nearby villages so that they could buy some food for themselves.  Jesus said they don’t need to go away. “You feed them,” he told the disciples.  The disciples responded Rabbi (teacher) we have only five loaves of bread and two fish not enough for the crowd of 15,000 men and women and children.  Jesus said to bring the food here and tell the people to sit where there is a lot of grass.  Jesus looked up to heaven and gave thanks to the father, he broke the bread and gave them to the disciples and the disciples gave them to the people.  Everyone ate and had enough then the disciples took up twelve baskets full of what was left over.   Then Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people away.  After sending the people away Jesus went up a hill by himself to pray.  When evening came, Jesus was there alone; and by this time the boat was far out in the lake, tossed about by the waves because the wind was blowing against it.  Between three and six O’clock in the morning, Jesus came to the disciples walking on the water.  When they saw them walking on the water, they were terrified.  They thought he was a ghost and screamed with fear.  Jesus spoke to them at once “courage!” he said.  “It is I, don’t be afraid!” Then one of his disciples Peter replied to him” lord if it is you, order me to come out on the water to you.”  “Come! answered Jesus.  So, Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus because he had faith but when he noticed the strong wind and he lost faith and focus on God. He started to fear and drown in the water.  He cried out to the Lord to save him.  At once Jesus grabbed him out and said “so little faith you have! Why did you doubt?” the wind died out and the disciples worshipped Jesus in the boat and said, “Truly you are the son of God”. They exclaimed.


The thing I think the lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that John the Baptist consistently told people to stop sinning and to repent even preached to the king of the land.  Many people listened to him and did repent but other people hated him and had him murdered because they thought God’s law did not apply to them. We are to preach repentance and Gospel as well.  Even if it means we must lose our lives.  God wants us to see that Jesus fed 15,000 people with a small amount of food when the situation appeared to be impossible.  God wants us to see that Jesus literally walked on liquid water and even allowed Peter to walk on the water.  The Lord wants us to see if we look to him for our needs, he will take care of us. God wants us to see like Peter even if we take our eyes off him, he is still compassionate and kind and will rescue us when we get ourselves into trouble.  A Simple prayer like the one Peter prayed lord save me is all that it takes with faith.  You fret over the future.  You can trust that Lord will protect you even through death.  Jesus consistently showed us through scripture that he will take care of his children’s needs.  If you are not one of God’s children, why don’t you ask him to adopt you today?  Why don’t you repent for your sin and turn to the lord for salvation?  None of your problems are too big or greater in the sight of God.  So, move your focus from our problems and focus on God and he will take care of everything.  Don’t doubt him.



God of all comfort, our very present help in trouble, be near to me.  Look on me with the eyes of your mercy; comfort me with a sense of your presence; preserve me from the enemy; and give me patience from my affliction.  Restore me to health, and lead me to your eternal Glory; through Jesus Christ our lord Amen. 


Four Psalms to pray for God’s help.

When you don’t know what to pray, scripture provides the words for you! Use these prayers from psalms to guide your request for help from God. 


H – “Hear me Lord and answer me for I am poor and needy”. Psalm 86:1

       The first step is to let God know that you need him and want his



E – “Establish my steps in your word”. Psalm 119:133.  Second, ask God for his direction and

         for strength to stand firm in his promises.


L – “let your compassion quickly meet our needs because we are on the brink of despair.”   

         Psalm 79: 8.           

We often need help because of our past choices and sin.  Ask God to help you focus on his compassion and grace to lift you out of your despair and heartache.


P – “protect me God because I take refuge in you.  I say to the Lord, you are my Lord, apart from you I have nothing good.” Psalm 16:1

Whether it’s spiritual protection from Satan’s attacks or physical protection, we can come to God and ask him to be our protector and provider.  Seek refuge and lean on God, not your strength or abilities.  God promises to be your refuge if you let him!





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