January 7, 2025


Today what I am going to share with you is going to change your life.  It’s going to change your destiny.  God is going to expose the demons.  It’s going to make a difference in where you go from here and why?

Because of the word of the Lord.  The Bible says,” The word comes in and He brings light.  Get ready for the light to enter you.

 Can a spirit have sex with a human being?

The answer is a determined Yes according to scripture it is possible.  Let me give you the foundational scripture of what I am talking about.

The Bible says,1 Corinthians chapter 6: 15 and 18.  He says, “Do you not know that your bodies are the members of Christ?  Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot?  God forbid or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot becomes one with her? For the two he says shall become one flesh.”  So now you know why I said the answer is yes.

I said yes and when they do there is a soul tie, a union, a unification in the spirit that takes place. 

In the Book of Genesis, my brothers and sisters get ready God will bless you and your life will never be the same today.  The word of the Lord will enter you.  It says in Genesis chapter 6 to listen carefully;

“Now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them.  Now remember this is men, physical men.  Daughters began to be born to them.  Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men.   There is a distinction between the sons of God and Daughters of men, spirits, and human beings.  They saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful.  They took wives for themselves of all whom they chose and in verse 4 it says this.  He said there were giants on the earth in those days.  When these sons of men came and had sex with these human women

There were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men.   

 Listen that sex came into the Daughters of men and they bore children to them.  If you are carrying, connected, or attached to a spirit being in the spirit world.  You are married to a spiritual spouse. 

The things that spiritual spouses do to their victims and the 12 things or signs that cause spiritual marriages are as follows.

  1. You have constant and unexplainable missing of your menstrual cycle.

Some women see their period once every year.  They see it for one year and don’t for another three years.  Some see it every other month or they see it every five months. 

When you have a mensural dislocation or imbalance, chances are you are married in the spirit.

  • You see yourself I am talking about the areas of a dream. Dreams are the language of the spirit.  They are indicators of what’s happening to you physically and one of the ways you know that you are married in the spirit is when you see certain things in dreams for example when you see yourself pregnant in the dream but in the physical have no babies but, in the dream, you have babies and children.

Some people say well, that’s because God is going to give me a child.  My dear, you need deliverance.

When you see yourself having babies in a dream, that you are pregnant in the dream that’s another sign that you are married in the spirit.

  • When you see yourself in the dream breastfeeding a child, a baby.  Sometimes women see themselves breastfeeding a baby they think it is God that is going to give them a baby.  Sometimes they see themselves breastfeeding another woman’s baby and they think that God is also going to give them a baby.  God is not going to show you in a dream that You breastfeeding another woman’s child to tell you that this is how you will be or that you will have a child.  That is tormenting.  So, when you see yourself breastfeeding a baby that’s a sure indication that you might be married to a spirit spouse. 
  • When you see yourself having a family, a husband, you have children you live in a house and yet you’re not even married.  Don’t mistake it to think that this is where you’re going.  That God is going to give you a family soon.  All right chances are you are married in the spirit.
  • You see yourself shopping in the dream. 

You are shopping with a man, you are shopping with a woman and he is taking you or she is taking you to shop, you buy clothes, jewelry and this man/woman is just taking you shopping and giving you everything you want.  This is an indication that you are married to a spirit spouse as well.

  • When you feel someone is sleeping next to you while you are sleeping.

Some women/men say,” I was sleeping last night and I felt like a person was sleeping next to me in the bed.  That’s another indication my brothers and sisters that you are married in the spirit and that spirit uses that bed as the marriage bed between you and himself/herself.

  • When you physically, or your physical spouse for example you are married and your natural spouse, human spouse, or your physical spouse all of a sudden hate you out of nowhere.  All of a sudden, they can’t stand you.  I am talking about your real spouse that spouse whether she’s your wife or whether he’s your husband.  All of a sudden, they hate you out of nowhere.  Why?  Because that spouse hates you is married also to a spirit just as you are.  So, when you see in yourself, your spouse is hating you for no reason.  Nine times out of ten you have to investigate the spiritual marital category.  Either you are married to a spiritual spouse or your wife or your husband is married and that demon doesn’t want you to be with them.  Sometimes both of persons are married in spirit. 
  • You begin to have serious and unexplainable gynecological problems

Out of nowhere, you are a woman and you go to a doctor/ a gynecologist. Having infection and bacteria.  They don’t understand where it’s coming from.  You have all sorts of sicknesses and problems in your organs.  When you have gynecological problems serious and unexplainable, chances are that you are also having sex and are married to a spiritual spouse.

  • If you have experienced multiple miscarriages especially after you have a spiritual dream a sexual dream I should say.  Some women are pregnant physically and every time they have a sexual dream, they miscarry the baby. Whoever is reading this?   Whoever is eating the baby that is not allowing you to carry your Samuel? 

I command fire from heaven let the fire consume them.  You must carry your child.  You must carry your baby; you must carry your Samuel in the name of Jesus.  I prophesy as of this content.  Next time you become pregnant you will keep your baby; you will give birth to your baby In the Name of Jesus        Amen.

  1.  When you dream of miscarrying your physical, your current pregnancy you are married now, you are pregnant now then you have a dream that you miscarried that baby that means you are also married in the spirit, and that demon doesn’t want you to have that baby.  Whatever demon doesn’t want you to have the baby because they think that they are your spouse? Those who are reading this.  

 Let that demon be arrested by fire. Let that demon be arrested by fire.   I decapitate that spiritual spouse; you shall not have a dream where you have miscarried the pregnancy that you are carrying.  You shall give birth to your Samuel again in Jesus ‘s name.  Amen

  1.  When you constantly wake up having discharging fluid from your sexual organ. 

You wake up and you find yourself wet and you wonder why this happened and how this happened.  Your sheet is wet, your mattress is wet and you’re sleeping by yourself you don’t have a man/woman there.  You are by yourself.  But often you wake up and your bodily fluid does not sweat.  I am talking about sexual fluid discharging from your organs, from your body.  Why? You just had sex with your spouse in the spirit which means you are married to the spouse to the demon.

  1. When you see yourself having side calls of failures in a relationship with the opposite sex.  You’ve been having a relationship.  In every relationship no way it dies.    They promise you marriage from one day to another.  They hate you, they run away, and they want to engage to give you an engagement ring.  They give you an engagement ring.  By the time they give you an engagement ring by the next week that man/woman is gone.  That means every cycle of a relationship winds up in this disappointment.  What I am talking about.  I am telling you that if you find yourself in a cycle of failure, the cycle of disappointment in relationship chances are that you are married in the spirit.  The spirit spouse does not want you to be married to another man or woman. He’s the one responsible for attacking your relationship.

I pray right now. As I end this content. 

Whatever spiritual spouse.  Father the people that are reading this and dealing with this situation.  Let the fire of the God of Elijah come upon that demon’s head.  Come upon that spirit spouse head.  Lord let them be consumed like Salem and Gomorrah in the name of Jesus.  You that are reading I divorce you from that spirit.  Whatever you are going through.  Whoever said they are your spouse and then not your real spouse in life I divorce you.  I command that spirit that is listening while you are reading that spirit spouse, that spirit wife that spirit husband I command you to come out of that man. Come out of that woman that is reading this.  You do not belong to them and they do not belong to you.  I divorce you I break you I command that marriage certificate under the water in the Marine kingdom.  I command it to be dissolved and consumed by fire I divorce you that spiritual ring I command it to melt by fire.  The judge if they married you in the spirit realm let that demonic judge die by fire.  If you see yourself having children in the dreams.  Those are not your physical children.  let those demon children die.  Let those demonic children you see in your dream, nursing them carrying them let them die, they are not your children let them catch a stroke and die in the name of Jesus.  You shall marry, you shall marry your boas on the earth, physically the way God wanted of today I divorce you so that you may enjoy your destiny, your life, so that you may prosper in the name of Jesus.  Receive this blessing. 

Thank you, Lord.

In Jesus’s name, I pray.  It is done.  Amen  

Part 4-  freedom from spiritual spouses.

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