October 16, 2024

The Lord is not only our provider but he also guides us and leads us by his words.  Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures.  He leads me beside still waters.  He restores my soul and leads me in the right part as he has promised.”  The Lord promises to lead and guide us.  “I am the Lord that teaches thee to profit and leads the way that we should go”.  People of God if we are not prospering, if we are failing in life, if we are not progressing and if we are living a frustrated life. We must not blame God.  We must blame ourselves and take responsibility.  It is not just Satan. No matter how powerful Satan could be when the light comes darkness has to flee.  Take responsibility don’t sit there and say well I don’t know why this is happening and why God is not doing anything? No, God said, “I am willing to lead you and guide you” Are you willing to be led and guided? Are you seeking him? Prayer is not enforcing God to do what you want.  Prayer is communing with God where you are receiving instructions from him and establishing what he is saying by and through your faith in his word.   

There is a prayer called prayer of Inquiry.  We have to learn to exercise that prayer which means we go to God and inquire and say Lord teach me why is this happening this way? Why is it that I have done this and I have done that and yet I am not moving forward?  What is the problem? Where am I missing you?  You have to ask him those questions.  The Lord cannot lie. 

His word cannot lie.  I must be missing you somewhere.  Can you please tell me, father, what I’m missing?  If you look at the life of David. What did David do each time he went to a battle? He never said, “Lord give me victory” and went to the war.  But that’s how we live our lives.  God, I am about to go to an exam, I am about to do this bless this, bless this lord, bless my marriage.  I am about to marry this girl /boy bless this marriage; I am about to go to Canada my journey adjourned over there. 

We have decided and made our decisions.  We have to learn to inquire of the lord.  David would inquire and God would direct him.  David never boasts or depended on his strength.  He depended on God.  God wants to lead us and he leads us by his word.  When his word comes light comes.  John chapter 10 verse 27 “My sheep hear my voice.  I know them and they follow me”. If we don’t yield, submit, and have an ear to hear what the shepherd is saying we cannot experience what our shepherd wants us to experience. Just by going to church and reading the bible thinking everything will be fine.  It’s not true.  Discipline is required that will help you to draw closer to God, it will give you an ear to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying, and then you will know this is what needs to be done. 

If you are not able to hear his voice ask the Lord what is it that is prohibiting me from hearing your voice? What is it that is blocking my ears from hearing what you have to say?   He will speak to you.  His word leads, guides, and comforts us.  We have to remain patient and silent to hear his gentle voice.  You cannot hear his voice if you are distracted, with a lot of things playing in your mind at one time.  When we suffer for our wrong decisions, we blame God. But did we ask God’s advice before doing it?  Am I doing the right thing or making the right choice? Think about it.   We have forgotten the main purpose of prayer. We have forgotten how to pray.  That is the reason we face consequences.  Come let us invite God into our lives.  Ask him to intervene and you will be blessed.  Wait upon the Lord.

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