October 16, 2024



If you are losing the passion for praying and you observe the time you spend in prayers going down.  Let me remind you it’s a direct attack from the enemy.   Because if he can lower the fire, slowly he can begin to douse it.  He can destroy it.  You will kind of feel satisfied that you’re in the religious exercise of praying but there is no change.  There is no change in you, there is no change in circumstances, and there is no change in your profession.  There is no evidence of the hand of God.  Well, there is something wrong.  For example, when somebody loses appetite for food what does that mean there is something wrong with your body?  When we as born-again Christians lose our appetite for the things of God.  Lose our appetite to pray, lose our appetite for the word.  There is something wrong spiritually.  You can be writing on the wave called I’m born again but spiritually you’ll be depleting and discouraged. 

You will even be frustrated and sometimes you will even think it’s a waste of time going to church.  This is how the enemy attacks you.  So, it’s very important that we must begin to develop a strong effective prayer life.  Prayer is not to change God, not to cause him to change his mind, not to change others.  Prayer is the first to change me.  So, when I pray much in the Holy Ghost, the first person that God deals with is not others, not my circumstances, but he deals with me.  Don’t forget that.  Because he is trying to improve and work on you to make you a better version of yourself.  So, do not neglect, to pray for at least an hour every day in the Holy Ghost.  That’s a minimum.  You will not understand but it’s okay.  Because when you pray in the Holy Ghost for an hour something is happening that you will not be able to recognize.  But If you consistently do this and you’re constantly in this, the evidence will be observed by others.  How much have you grown from the day you were born again? How is your prayer life compared to when you were born again? What is the depth of the knowledge or the word of God you have from the time you were born again?  You may say that you have grown but the real evidence is when others say that you’ve grown.  There should be a testimony of something that’s happening in your life.  Prayer has to be very personal and passionate.  

If you are praying and your heart and your emotion are not involved, you are not effectively praying.  You are religiously praying. And many of us are not seeing results because our prayers have become very religious.  Even praying in tongues is become very mechanical.  It’s important that you begin to pray and yield to the Holy Spirit where your emotions and your heart are involved in it.  Many times, we don’t feel like praying but then if you sit down and you began to thank the Lord, slowly under your breath, Thank, you Jesus, Thank, you Lord, when you begin to do that after a while something, will begin to happen and then slowly but surely you began to see and sense that thing becomes stronger.  We must begin to develop that intimacy with God.  Shares his secrets with only those people he has an intimate relationship.   You might have many friends but do you reveal everything about your life to all your friends? No.  But there are certain friends to whom you will reveal certain things that nobody else knows.  Why? It depends on the level of trust, and the level of intimacy you have developed with that person.    Why will God share what is in his heart if you do not intimate with him?   We all want him to share. But would he share? Can he trust you?  So, we must begin to develop a deep intimate relationship with him.  It’s not going to God only for our needs, not going to God only for the pressures we face in life, or the challenges we have, or just because we want a promotion or just because we want a business to grow.  No, all of that will be taken care of when I seek him.  So, I need to allocate time and give preference to God and spend time in his presence and his word in prayer.

There has to be a transformation.  James chapter 5 verse 16.  “It says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availed much.  The effectual fervent, “Heartfelt” is another translation.  Heartfelt prayers, are not just religious prayers where you make confessions a thousand times without your heart being involved.  God is not moved or impressed by the amount of time you spend religiously in his presence. It has to be heartfelt.  It’s got to be burnt from a heart that longs for God.  That desire for God.  It has to be an intimate relationship.  So, let us come together my brothers and sisters let us say. 

God draw me closer to you.  Because the bible is said, “Unless the lord quickens me, I cannot even pray.”   So, I need the Holy Spirit God to stir in.   That’s why I come and say, “Lord I am feeling cold.  I don’t feel like praying but I know it’s important and I love you, father. So please help me Holy Ghost that I can pray with passion.  Lord touch me on the inside Lord Do something that I can draw closer to youLord unless you draw me, I can’t come so, help me Holy Ghost because my flesh is dominating.  I want my flesh to be crucified and my spirit man to be strengthened so I can draw closer and have a more intimate relationship with you, Father, that should be the cry God draw me closerSong of Solomon 1 chapter verse 4 “Draw me and we will run after thee”.  When I am drawn to the lord, the lord draws me into his chamber. 


Not everyone is invited to the chamber.  Only when you have intimacy with God some things are said, some things shared.  Nobody else is permitted to see or hear.  When God draws us and the spirit moves us into that chamber. 

Lord draw me near, take me into your chamber oh lord,

Help me lord to have an intimate fellowship and relationship with you where I can hear what you’re saying, experience what you are giving me lord God.  Lord thank you, Jesus.  Thank you, Father.    Amen.

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