October 11, 2024



Today I will summarize Luke chapter 12 where Luke wrote about Jesus teaching the people that God knows and cares for them and that they should stand ready and be waiting for his return.  Where they should reject every form of greed and where Jesus promised division and fighting in the world because of him.  Jesus taught the people about the father in heaven.  He said, “The father is watching over all of you.  Whatever you say in secret will be proclaimed on the housetops.  So, say good things.  Don’t be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot after doing anything worse.  I will show you whom to fear.  Fear God, who, after killing has the authority to throw you into hell.  I tell you fear him.  Jesus continued, “Whoever declares publicly that he belongs to me, the son of man will do the same for him before the angels of God.  But whoever rejects me publicly, the son of man will also reject him before the angels of God.  Anyone who says a word against the son of man can be forgiven. 

But whoever says evil against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.  Jesus said, “You are loved by the father.”  Each one of your hairs is numbered.  Don’t worry about your life.  About what you will eat or drink or wear.  Life is more than food.  Consider the Ravens and the Lilies.   They don’t work but God feeds and clothes them.  You are much more valuable than birds.  Can you add a single hour to your life by worrying?  If you can’t do this very little thing.  Why do you worry about other things?  God will take of you.  If you only seek first his kingdom.  Don’t be afraid of anything.  The father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom because of this sell your possessions and give the money to the poor.  Acquire treasure in heaven where no thief can steal and where moth can destroy. 

Where your treasure is your heart will be there also.  Jesus continued.  Keep your lamps lit and be dressed in readiness.  Be like men who are waiting for their master when he returns from the wedding feast.  So that they can immediately open the door to him when he knocks.  If you are alert when I come back, I will serve you as you recline at my table and I will wait on you.  Think with me.  If someone knew what time a thief was coming to break in and steal in the middle of the night.  That person in the house would be ready and they would stop the thief.  You too be ready even though you don’t know when I am returning.  I am coming back at a time you will not expect.  Blessed is that slave whom the master finds faithful when he comes back.  He will put him in charge of all his possessions. 

But cursed is the slave whom the master finds unfaithful when he comes back.  He will cut his body into pieces and throw his soul out with the unbelievers.  Someone from the crowd yelled and said,” Jesus tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me.  Jesus said, “Who made me a judge over you?  Beware and be on your guard against every form of greed.  Let me tell you all a parable.  A rich man had very productive land and he didn’t know what to do with all of his grain.  

The man said to himself,” I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones.  Then I’ll retire since I won’t have to work ever again.   I will eat and drink and I will be merry.  God said to the rich man, “You fool! Tonight, your soul is required of you.  Who will own what you have prepared?   So is the man who stores up treasure only for himself but is not rich towards God.  Jesus told the crowd an incredibly shocking thing.  He said,” I have come to cast fire on the earth.  I did not come to grant peace.  In this world, you will have troubles even in your household.  You will strife.   Because of me, there will be division.  Father will be against son-in-law; the son will be against his father.  Mother will be against daughter. 


The thing I think the lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is everything that we do is being recorded somehow and will be presented in our heavenly court hearing at some point in the future.  God wants us to know that he has the authority to sentence people to hell.  The Lord wants us to know that he even knows how many hairs are on each one of our heads.  The father cares for our needs.  God wants us to know that he wants us to treasure things in heaven because where our treasure is our heart will also be.  He is our greatest treasure. 

God wants us to know that Jesus promised us family troubles in this world because of him and this world is temporary and time is short.  Are you treating the Lord above all else?  Are you worrying about things n this life?  God knows us and our needs.  He said that first seek his kingdom and he will give us everything that we need.  Perhaps, you don’t believe that.  I hope that you reconsider.  There’s still time to repent and obey his command to love him with all your being.  You can ask God to change you.  Anything apart from God will fail.  Success follows anyone who gives God the first place.  Yes, when your eyes are fixed on the righteous ways giving God priority in everything that you do, he will certainly bless you with manifold blessings. 


Blessed be your name. God thank you for all the blessings you have given me.  Thank you for the abundance that awaits me in heaven.  On earth help me to seek first your kingdom, not my wealth.  Teach me to expand your kingdom, not my own.  Help me to walk by your word, not by my selfishness.    Dear Lord, I thank you for the encouragement through these words.  I surrender myself to seek you always.  Help me to listen to your commandments.  Give me new ideas that would prosper me and my family.  I submit all my lacks to you.  Let me see your grace flood into all such areas.  For your glory, Make me a display of your grace.  Give me your wisdom.  I receive all the hidden blessings that you have for me.  In Jesus’s name, I pray.  Amen.

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