October 16, 2024

Matthew chapter 19


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 19 Where Jesus answered about the topic of divorce.  Jesus also answered questions about eternal life in heaven.  Some Pharisees tried to trap Jesus by questioning him and his knowledge of Moses’s law.   They asked him is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all.  Jesus answered and told them have you not read that he who created people made them male and female and don’t you remember the path that says that a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife and the two people will become one flesh. 

They are no longer two people but one.  What God has joined together let no man separate.  The Pharisees thought they tricked Jesus.  They said why Moses commanded men to give their wives a certificate of divorce and send them away if they wanted to get a divorce.  Jesus said Moses allowed you to do this because of the hardness of your hearts.  But from the beginning, God did not design it this way.  Jesus then said something which startled everyone.  He said I decree to you this now whoever divorces his wife for any cause other than her unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery and breaks the VI commandment.  He causes his first wife and his second wife to commit adultery and the man that marries a divorced woman also commits adultery. There is one exception to this rule.  If the man or woman was committing immorality like cheating on his/her spouse.

They are permitted to divorce and remarry without committing adultery in the eyes of God.  The Pharisees were shocked at Jesus’s words and authority. When his disciples heard this, they replied if this is how it is between a man and his wife it is better not to marry.  Jesus told them not all men can handle or accept that last statement unless it is given to them by the Lord.  For there are different reasons why men cannot marry.  Some because they were born that way. Others because they made them that way. Others do not marry for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let him accept this teaching and do so. (whoever is strong enough to accept and stay single let him accept it.) Some people brought children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them.  But the disciples scolded the people.  Jesus told his disciples to allow the children to come to him and not stop them because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.  After a while, a rich man came to Jesus and asked him “Teacher”, what good things I must do to receive eternal life? Jesus replied why do you ask me concerning what is good? There is only one who is good that is God the father. Obey and keep all the commandments if you want to have eternal life. 

The man asked which ones.  Jesus told him.  Jesus said I will list some and you tell me whether you obeyed them or not. You shall not commit murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You will not bear false witness, You shall honor your, father and mother, and You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  The man replied to Jesus I have obeyed and kept all these commandments. Jesus said those are commandments dealing with people.  Let’s talk about the other four commandments about your relationship with God. I will tell you two sentences and you will realize you are not obeying all of the commandments. I will prove to you that you have idolatry in your life and you do not love the lord your God will all your heart, mind soul, and body.  Are you ready? If you want to be complete go and sell your possessions and give them to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven then come and follow me. 

I told you earlier if you remember “Don’t store up riches for yourselves here on earth where moths and rust destroy and robbers break in and steel.  Instead, store riches in heaven for yourselves where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves can’t break in and steal.  For your hearts will always be where your riches are.” “Seek first the kingdom of God and everything shall be added unto you.  When the man heard this, he went away sad.  He was a rich man and he owned much property.  Jesus turned to his disciples and said truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.  The disciples were amazed and said who can be saved?  Any human way of trying to be saved will fail but with God all things are possible.  Everyone who has left their houses, everything, and everyone for my sake will receive a hundred times more and will be given eternal life.  Remember the world will come to an end but my words and promises made to you will never fail.


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that he made humans male and female from the beginning.  He wants us to know that if a person decides to get married, he/she will become one flesh with the other person.  God wants us to see that he views divorce very seriously which is opposite from how most people in the world see it. The Lord wants us to see no one can follow all his commandments perfectly and he has specifically said it is very hard for a rich man to go to heaven.  All human attempts to get to heaven will fail but if God is involved, he will easily do the impossible and will impart mercy, grace, and salvation on whomever he chooses.

God wants us to see that on the day of Judgement when Jesus will sit on his throne, he will reward all forgiven and saved people and allow them to rule and judge the nations with him after they inherit eternal life in heaven.  Jesus spoke perhaps you find yourself in the position of being previously divorced, perhaps you are rich. Take your situation to the Lord and ask how he wants to change your life.  Only the Lord has the answers to what you need to do specifically.  Perhaps you haven’t prayed since you were a child.  Today will be a great day to begin again.  God doesn’t care about your past he will forgive you for̥ anything if you truly repent and ask. He cares about your future.  Humble yourself before the Lord and repent for your sin. Turn to the Lord for salvation.  A person who waits upon the Lord ‘s reply.  God never fails to answer.  He will always speak to you when you are reading the bible, or through a dream, or anyone or anything.  We just have to be patient. Always pray to reveal to you the answer through the holy spirit.  Believe me, not even Satan can bluff you or play with your mind. Because the Holy Spirit is pure. All evil ideas come from Satan.   When you are confused and not able to decide and make decisions.  Ask yourself one question if Jesus was in my situation what was the thing he would do? Or how he would handle the situation.   Without a doubt, you will get your answer. 

Try it and do let the pastor know whether it is helping.  Suggest the same to your kids.  You will see a transformation.  Most married couples are struggling with their relationships. Remember none of us are perfect. That is why two imperfect people meet and they complete each other.  Remember the vows you made in front of the altar. That in sickness and good health life or death you will be there for each other.  Wives love their husbands and husbands love their wives as they love themselves.  Most marriages conclude divorce because of ego.   Why should I apologize, they look for perfection in their partners not realizing they are not perfect.  They are so busy they don’t have time to spend time with family and children.   The family should try and spend some time sitting together over a meal and not complaining.  Support one another in times of work stress or load. Console and motivate one another.  Speak words of love and kindness.  Take out a day when you are away from social media and unnecessary phone calls.  Try to understand each other, and forgive one another if you want the lord to forgive you.  My dear brothers and sisters this is the hard truth of life.  Why do you run at the back of fame and money and riches and wealth? Money is necessary but be satisfied with what you have says the Lord.  Tell me one person who after death has taken all his riches and wealth with him.  On the day of Judgment everyone celebrities, rich and poor will all be standing in the same row. No discrimination in terms of status.  God said don’t worry about what you will eat drink or wear.  He is your provider he will provide you with everything at the right time.  Don’t be afraid.  Instead of saving your riches save yourselves and pray that your name is written in the book of life. Husbands pray for their wives and wives pray for their husbands. Don’t let Satan break your homes.  Don’t let them divide and rule.  In a loud voice tell Satan enough is enough you tormented me and my family.  I forgive my husband/wife and children.

No weapons formed against me and my family shall prosper. I break all demonic bondages against my family in the name of Jesus and cover my family with the precious blood of Jesus.  I rebuke and burn you and your demonic actions with the fire of the Holy Spirit. I cast you out in the powerful name of Jesus Amen.

Please note this or take a screenshot or type it on your mobile or read it aloud and record it and play it loud repeatedly and where ever you are in whatever situation you are.  Over your family your children, the food you eat, and the water you drink.  When you or your children are going to bathe. I believe you will be set free.  Be determined now in your mind and persistent.  Do you think Satan will listen to you if you speak to him softly and politely to leave your home?  When the Lord has given you the power and authority to trample down lions and snakes, fierce lions and poisonous snakes why are you allowing Satan to torment you?  He is also created by God.  God has given us power not him. We are God’s children not him.   Jesus is calling you my children stand up and fight a good fight.  Don’t be afraid for I am with you.  Don’t weep.   Be strong in the Lord your God and faith cast Satan out of your life, your family, and your home in Jesus’ name. 


Father, I pray for all marriages all around the world.  I pray for peace in every home.   You said in your word that the peace you give passes all understanding. Lord, I pray that husbands and wives would be able to communicate lovingly, seeking harmony at all costs.  I pray for the walls in our hearts to come crashing down so that intimacy can happen.  My hope is for couples to draw closer together more than they ever have before and to know confidently that it is only possible with you in Jesus’s name. We receive that peace right now. We choose to let the peace of Christ rest in our hearts Amen

If you abide in him and his words, he abides in you.  Whatever you wish it will be done for you.  (Jn 15:7)


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