October 15, 2024

Matthew chapter 18


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 18 where Jesus answered his disciple’s questions about who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and where Jesus explained what someone should do if they find another Christian sinning.  Jesus’s disciples came up to him and asked him questions, they said who will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? Jesus answered them. Jesus called a child who was near to come to him.  He said that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself and becomes like this child. Whoever welcomes in my name one such child as this, welcomes me. Make sure you do not look down on children.  They are angels in heaven who continually see the face of the father.  I love these children.  It is not the will of your Father in heaven that any of these children should perish.  If someone has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray wouldn’t that man leave the ninety-nine on a hill and go look for the lost sheep?  If the man finds it, he rejoices over that one more than the 99 others that have not gone astray.  Jesus continued this brings me to an important point to tell all people for all time to come. 

Whoever causes one of these children who believe in me to stumble over leads them away from following after me.  I promise and a threat to you now would be better for you to hang a heavy millstone around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.  It would be better if you are never born.  If you cause one of these children to stumble, I will throw you into the everlasting lake of fire.  Think long and hard before you deceive one of these children.  Your decisions have very significant consequences.  If your hand and foot cause you to stumble cut it off and throw it far from you.  It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than to be cast into the lake of fire.  If your eye causes you to stumble cut it out and throw it far from you. 

It is better to enter heaven with one eye than to be cast into the lake of fire with two eyes. Jesus continued and said if your brother sins against God go and show him his fault in private.  If he listens to you, you have won your brother.  If he does not listen to you take one or two more people with you to confirm he is sinning against God and not just doing something you don’t like.  If he does not listen again tell the church.  If he then refuses to listen to the church and continues in his sin and rebellion you must treat him as an unsaved person.  If you two agree on earth about anything and it is the Lord’s will the father in heaven will do whatever you ask him to do. 

Where two or three are gathered in my name I am there with them.  Peter spoke up and said I understand what we should do with someone who refuses to admit their sinning and who refuses to change their ways but what about someone who does repent and admit they were wrong but keep repeating the sin.  The elders say we should forgive them up to three-time but then after that, you mustn’t.   Should we forgive them seven times? Jesus replied seventy times seven. Then Jesus continued the kingdom of heaven like a king who wanted to settle accounts and wanted all of his slaves to pay what they owed him. 

One of the slaves was brought to him who owed him millions of pounds.  The servant did not have much to pay his debts. He begged the kind to give him a chance and he would pay back everything soon.  The king felt compassion and said you know what I decreed debt forgiveness to you.  You owe me nothing.  I set you free. The slave thanked the king and left.  On the way, that slave came across a fellow slave who owed him a few pounds.  He began to choke him and said pay me what you owe me. The fellow slave fell at his feet and pleaded to give me time and I will pay you back everything. 

The first slave refused and threw the man into the debtor’s prison and said to pay me everything or you will sit in jail forever.  Bystanders who saw this were upset and reported the incident to the king.  The king summoned the first slave and said you wicked slave I forgave you the whole amount you owed me.  Just because you asked me to. You should have shown the same mercy on your fellow servant just as I had mercy on you.  The king was very annoyed and sent the servant to jail to be punished until he should pay back the whole amount.  Jesus concluded this is how my father in heaven will treat every one of you unless you forgive your brothers and sisters.  Make sure you do not harbor unforgiveness in your hearts.


The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that everyone must be converted and have faith like a little child to enter heaven.  God wants us to see that little children and angels see the face of the father in heaven every day.  Somehow children have some sort of guardian angel assigned to them according to Jesus. God Wants us to understand that he issued a special and harsh warning to anyone who would deceive a child who believes in Jesus and will lead them away from him.  It would be better if that person was never born.  God wants us to see that Christians see another Christian sinning.  There are specific directions he once followed.

First, instead of talking behind his/ her back with others and judging and passing comments/remarks.  Talk to the person in private about the sin with repentance in mind.  If that does not work bring one or two other people.  If this does not work too or if he/she isn’t willing to turn away from their sins or repent and refuse to listen.  Inform the local church.  If despite this you see no response treat that person like they are an unbeliever.  God wants us to see that he expects everyone to forgive his/her brother or sister when they repent as many times as it takes.

God will not forgive anyone who does not forgive anyone else. Have you ever taught your children that they did not need Jesus to be saved?  Pray for your children.  I know we all are very busy in life with work and problems but make it a fixed time to at least sit with the family and kids and read the bible and understand what the lord is trying to speak to you through his words.  In this way, you and your family and household will be saved.  If you make excuses and say I don’t have time.  Then remember the time of judgment day will come when the lord will say sorry, I don’t have time too.  Do you want to know the conspiracy of Satan?  How Satan divides and rules. 

He keeps you so busy with your work and focused on your problems, addictions, attractions, and pleasures of this world of social media, video games mobile, etc. so that you are away from the Lord’s presence, his guidance, and protection and then he attacks you. He hates us because we are created in God’s image and likeness.  He knows God forgives us but he and his fallen angels have no forgiveness.  And he is furious about this.  He knows his punishment time is near so he even wants us to be doomed and sent to the lake of fire.  He is like a growling lion just waiting for a chance to pounce on us and attack us.  He is aggressive and revengeful above all he is a liar.  He will do anything to keep you away and bias your mind to earthly pleasure.   Once he has got hold of you, he will tear you apart. 

My brothers and sisters, you still have time now to repent and free yourself and your family from Satan’s traps.  Satan very well knows once you read the bible and walk along the path Jesus tells you.  You will be free.  Jesus has repeated these many times in the word.  My people suffer and fall into sin and temptations because they do not know the scriptures and the devil takes advantage.  Remember Jesus used the word(scripture) to heal and cast out demons. He said we can do this too if we have faith like a mustard seed and walk in his path. 

While you sleep at night even or start your day in the morning play the bible audio in your house.  If you don’t understand any bible verse pray to the holy spirit to guide you and help you understand before you start reading. Wake up, my brothers and sisters.  You have wandered far away from God and your true home.  Come back home before it’s too late. Ask Abba’s father, Jesus, and the holy spirit for forgiveness and for hurting making them grieve. We all make mistakes but if we ask forgiveness for them immediately, we will be forgiven.  And pray to the Almighty father to give us the grace not to sin again. We can’t do it by ourselves but with the help of Jesus.



Heavenly Father, I lay down (person’s name) to you.  Lord, I am having a hard time forgiving them.  God, I want to forgive, but the pain keeps me from moving forward.  But today, I choose to give it to you…. The pain, the bitterness, the desire for revenge, I give it all to you.  Lord, heal every part of me that is being affected by this situation.  I release them to you now.  I also ask for forgiveness if I have cursed anyone out of anger.  I break all the bondages of the curse that I spoke against (person’s name) and set him/her free with the precious blood of Jesus.  I believe If the Lord has set us free, we are free indeed.  (Psalm 51) Amen.

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