October 16, 2024

Matthew chapter 17


Today I will summarize Matthew chapter 17 where Jesus was transfigured before some of his disciples.  Where a demon-possessed boy was brought to the disciples and where Jesus discussed paying taxes. Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on a high mountain.  He left the other disciples and went.  When they reached the top Jesus was transfigured before them.  His face was like the sun and his clothes became white like lightning.  Suddenly Elijah and Moses appeared with Jesus.  The disciples were stunned and couldn’t believe their eyes.  Peter said Lord it is good that we are all here.  Let me build all three tabernacles for all three of you.  While he was saying this a bright cloud appeared and there was a loud voice from heaven God the father said Jesus is my son and I am well pleased with him. 

You must listen to him.  When the disciples heard the thundering voice out of the cloud they trembled and fell on their faces in fear and did not dare look up.  Jesus went up to them and touched their shoulders and said don’t be afraid get up.  When they got up, they didn’t see anyone there except Jesus.  Then Told them not to tell anyone what they witnessed there.  The disciples were confused. In confusion, they asked Jesus why did the scribes say that Elijah must come first before the Messiah.  Jesus replied Elijah did come but no one recognize him. 

I told you before John the Baptist had the spirit of Elijah who was to come.  Did you not see Elijah on the mountain just a few minutes ago?  When the four men went back together where the other disciples were.  A man bought his demon-possessed son to the disciples but they could not do the exorcism.  Boy’s father came up to Jesus and said your disciples could not help me but you can help.  Please have mercy on my son.  Jesus answered the many unbelieving and perverse generations.  How long shall I have to put up with you?  Bring the boy to me. 

Jesus rebuked the demon with the word and the boy was healed.  Later on, Jesus’ disciples came up to him and said why could we cast out that demon?  Jesus told them that their faith was not that strong enough but weak.  That is the reason why.  If only you had that small amount of faith, you could tell a mountain to move into the sea and it would obey you.  Nothing would be impossible for you if you did not doubt and had a little bit of faith. 

When the disciples went to Capernaum with Jesus the tax collectors came up to Peter and asked does your teacher pay the temple tax?  Peter replied yes, he does pay for it.  Jesus overheard them and asked Peter what do you think? Who pays the duties or taxes to the kings of the world? The citizens of the country or the foreigners?  The foreigners answered Peter. Well then, replied Jesus the citizens don’t have to pay.  But I don’t want to offend these people.  There are more important things.  I want you to go to the sea.  Throw in a fishing line and catch a fish.  The first fish you catch will have a gold coin in its mouth.  Take this coin and give it to the tax collectors to pay your tax as well as mine.  Peter caught the fish and it happened exactly as Jesus said it would.


The thing I think the lord wants to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus was transfigured before three of his disciples.  Moses represents the law of God and Elijah represents the prophets of God who were with Jesus who represents the grace of God.  God the father told his disciples that he was well pleased with his son Jesus and that they should listen to him.  God wants us to see that even his disciples had a hard time understanding and having any kind of faith. So, when we stumble and fall, we should remember that Jesus is with us.  God wants us to understand that we should not offend Government authorities by not paying our taxes. 

God himself will help Christians to pay the taxes imposed on them even though they are technically exempt from paying because they are children of the king.  Did you realize that Jesus told us that Christians are exempt from paying taxes but we should do it anyway so we don’t offend the Government? Jesus said there is nothing impossible for Christians if he/she has even a little bit of faith.  You can be adopted into his family today.  Repent and turn back to the Lord before you realize it’s too late.  Jesus humbled himself and died on the cross for you and me.  Obedience to God is proof of our love for him.  It demonstrates our commitment and faithfulness to God.  Obedience opens God’s door of blessings to our lives.


Dear heavenly father, please give me a humble heart to yield to your instructions at all times, so that I can prosper.  Help me to obey you and let me be flexible for the Holy spirits’ guidance.  Let me follow when you lead, and let me be willing to receive your blessings whenever you are ready to hand them over. Lord, I believe, but help with my unbelief! Help my head and heart and soul to believe in you and trust in you fully, without a doubt, knowing that in you all things are possible.  Lord, strengthen my faith! I make this prayer in the name of your beloved son our lord Jesus Christ.   Amen.

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