October 16, 2024


Today I will summarize chapter 16 where the Pharisees and the Sadducees asked Jesus for a sign proving that he was the long-awaited Messiah and where Jesus told his disciples that he was the long-awaited Messiah.  The Pharisees and the Sadducees came up to Jesus again and asked him for a sign.  They did this on numerous past occasions.  They said show us a sign that you are the Messiah the Christ the anointed one.  Jesus said I told you before and I’ll tell you again.  I will only give you wicked and adulterous people one sign.  I am going to give you the sign of Jonah just like Jonah was in the belly of the sea monster for three days and three nights.  I will be buried in the earth’s heart for three days and three nights. Then Jesus and his disciples left.  Jesus spoke to his disciples and said beware the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducee’s teachings.  The disciples were confused and said to themselves we didn’t bring any bread for dinner that is what Jesus is talking about.  Jesus heard them and said no you men of little faith.  You don’t understand much at all.  Don’t you remember how I fed 5,000 men with five loaves of bread?  Remember how I fed 4,000 men with seven loaves of bread?  I am talking about the Pharisees’ and the Sadducee’s teachings about things.  They sound righteous at first glance but their motives are wicked.  You don’t start believing and doing what they believe and do.  Later Jesus asked his disciples whom the people say that the son of man or the Messiah is.  His disciples told him some people think the Messiah is Joh the Baptist, and some people think Elijah or Jeremiah will come back and be the Christ. Jesus asked them whom do you think that I am? Peter stepped forward and replied, “you are the Messiah, the son of the living God”. Jesus smiled and said Peter you have been blessed the father in heaven made it known to you.  On this confession of faith, I will build my church and the gates of hell not overpower it. From that point on Jesus told all his disciples not to tell anyone that he was Christ the Messiah.  Jesus then began teaching his disciples things that he had not taught them before.  He said that I am going to Jerusalem and suffering through many things from the chief priests and the elders.  I am going to be killed and three days later I will be raised to life. Peter said God Forbid this from happening to you Lord.  This will never happen to you.  Jesus immediately told Peter to get behind me Satan.  You are an obstacle in the way because these thoughts of yours don’t come from God but from man.  Jesus turned to the rest of the disciples and said if anyone wishes to come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me.  Whoever wants to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it in the end.  What could a man possibly profit if he gains the whole world and everything in it but ultimately loses his soul?  What foolish person would ever trade something for his soul?  At the end of the age, I am going to come in my father’s glory with all of his angels.  I will pay back every man according to everything he has done. 



The thing I think the Lord wants us to understand after reading this chapter is that Jesus reminded his disciples that he could take care of their physical needs as well as their spiritual needs.  God wants us to see that Jesus claimed he was the Messiah the Christ the son of man the son of God.  He wants us to see that Jesus told his disciples repeatedly that he was going to suffer and die and going to be resurrected on the third day.  The disciples thought that Jesus was going to be a military leader who would conquer the Roman Empire.  So, the idea that Jesus would be crucified and raised from the dead was foreign to them until after it happened.  God wants us to know that there is nothing more valuable to a person than his/her soul.  Even if someone owned the whole world and everything in it that was worth less than the salvation of their soul.  Have you been trading for something for your soul?  When you stand before Jesus in the end what is going to happen to you? Have you ever given that much thought?  Jesus plainly said this is going to happen.  Have you been tricking yourself that it will not happen? Why don’t you consider turning around and why don’t you repent now for your sins before you realize it’s too late?  Remember Satan wants you to believe that there is no forgiveness for your sins and he wants you to live in guilt that you will not be forgiven.  If this was true, God would not have sent his only beloved son to die for you and me.   He is a loving father.  He loves us.  He doesn’t want his child to burn in the fire of hell.  That is why he is reminding us over and over again.  Turn away from your sins, ask for forgiveness and repent and he will forgive you but remember don’t repeat the mistakes again and again.  Do the things that will show that you have turned away from your sins.


Everlasting father, thank you for the blessings and mercies you have bestowed upon me.  Thank you for your protection and guidance.  As we begin a new month, I pray that you, Lord, will assist me in focusing my thoughts on you and remaining in you.  Guide me in letting go of any distractions that may be interfering with my connection with you.  Teach me to love you and guide me in focusing my attention on you.  Cleanse me of my sins and assist me in letting go of anything that does not reflect well on your holy name.  Help me in living a Christ-centred life.  Allow your holy spirit to lead me in whatever I do.  Let it serve as a constant reminder to always put you forward first no matter what.  Help me to study your word more thoroughly and to gain the wisdom and understanding necessary to apply it in my life.  When things don’t go as planned, please remind me that your plan for me is better than what I believe I desire.  As each day passes, please strengthen my faith in you.  Jesus’s name I pray.  Amen.

RepeatFor Jesus, is the Lord over my life.  Lord give me a greater understanding of your heart.  Jesus walks through the circumstances of my life. Father give me faith to believe.  I need faith to believe.   

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